Posted on 14 January 2013, 11:38 by:
Goatse Base +9, AfroThunda +20, Goatse +14, Babobo +4, Botos +6, rising11 +6, Monkbeast +5, gandexf4 +7, 20200 +30, Arrys +14, PrinceVern +7, RubberMan +10, Lakota +9, and 20 more...
Base +6, Lakota +9, upsic +9, SpyManHAW -6
Base +4, Goatse +14, jaylou1010 +11
Base +14, kozmyn +6, lapan +9, T_Starrk +23, limitbreak +18, Ilosia +13, anontl +1, homogenized +11, KirbyDances +14, Canavi +6, TomFoolery +5, man333 +22, SpyManHAW +6, and 12 more...
Posted on 14 January 2013, 21:55 by:
S-Gintoki Score
Base +1, Goatse +14, Ilosia -13, Palaxius +19, troybayliss -9, bucket90 -6, jeren_sky +11
Posted on 14 January 2013, 20:19 by:
Ka-Tet Score
Base +11, SpyManHAW +6
Base +9, lapan -9, khrizto +6, Goatse +14, SpyManHAW -6, Dysprosium -9, bucket90 -6, jeren_sky +11
Base +21, Ilosia -13, Goatse +14, swordofice1 -8, SpyManHAW -6, bucket90 -6, glitterhame -6
Posted on 15 January 2013, 07:44 by:
Hezard Score
Base +8, Goatse +14, homogenized +11, RAGE1 +18, wisky_t +4, troybayliss +9, jaylou1010 +11, Whiplash +9, Dysprosium +9, bucket90 +6
Posted on 15 January 2013, 07:58 by:
rea002 Score
Base +5, SpyManHAW +6, bucket90 +6
Base +15, SpyManHAW +6, troybayliss +9, Whiplash +9, Dysprosium +9, bucket90 +6, jeren_sky -11, distels +10
Posted on 16 January 2013, 08:44 by:
aridchimp Score
Base +11, Goatse +14, SpyManHAW -6, troybayliss -9, jeren_sky +11
Base +6, SpyManHAW +6, bucket90 +6
Base +10, bucket90 +6, glitterhame +6
Posted on 11 February 2014, 20:46 by:
aroptua Score
Base +6, atheistica +6
Posted on 13 June 2017, 03:48 by:
Yotsman Score
Base +8