Wish the text was more visible. edit: Text per panel. 1) (NO TEXT!) 2) Jezebeth: Ooo you look delicious! Jennifer: Huh...? 3) Jennifer: Please, Ican't be naked at work! Jezebeth: Let's see what you have under those silly clothes... 4) Jennifer: Why are you making me do this? 5) Jennifer: Ungh... Jezebeth: I want inside your body. Your skin is mine! 6) Jezebeth: Hnnngh, Ow. Wow they do fit! Jennifer: No Please! Ow! You won't fit! It hurts! OOO, OWWW! 7) Jennifer: What are you doing to my breasts! Ow, they can't take it! Jezebeth: Now to squeeze them down into my new chest. Oouch! 8)Jennifer: Oww! Shit what's happening? My body! Jezebeth: Perfect! My breasts fit quite nicely! 9) Jezebeth: Ahhh, you feel wonderful! 10) Jezebeth: Now to squeeze you into me. Where am I going to stuff you? 11) Jezebeth: Mmmhhh! 12) Jezebeth: Mmfhh! 13) Jezebeth: Whoa, that was a very tight fit, but I packed them inside! I'm a very full girl! I'm going to love being a bimbo blonde! 14) No one can see the black me inside, snakes all packed in! Nobody will suspect a thing! I love the skin you're in, how do you even fit in these clothes? 15) ...so where are we all meeting? Yeah I'll be there! Tell the girls to be ready to party! 16) Hmm this is fun! I might stay in you longer than I planned.
edit2: In case you need clarification Jezebeth = Demon, Jennifer = Blonde
Base +5, gamemaster232 +9, Scud422 +9, nemesis511994 +6, razziel +11, janusi +14, 151132 +8, The Really Cool Guy +7, kerplunk5975 +1, olasip98 +4, Aryzkontol +6, Zdoo -2, asj125 +5