Posted on 19 January 2013, 21:22 by:
YinX Score
Base +13, Anonyslime +11, mooplololol +8, EdoubleT +10, Ice_Cream +7, Qwerty Bam +5
Posted on 19 January 2013, 21:31 by:
smartz118 Score
Base +6, roflcopt0rz +28, Greysword +11, Gitami +13, LegendaryT +10, Anonyslime +11, Enki17 +11, BByx +6, ManlyMustacheMan +7, mooplololol +8, ridvid1313 +5, userfromhell +2, Ice_Cream +7, and 10 more...
Posted on 19 January 2013, 22:00 by:
Urmean15 Score
Base +11, Bedlam11 +8, Nastro3 -5, LegendaryT +10, Whiplash +9, Enki17 +11, Flaphinfluff +7, mooplololol +8, FinalBoss +8, EdoubleT +10, honry +11, Ice_Cream +7, Qwerty Bam +5, and 5 more...
Posted on 20 January 2013, 01:27 by:
frosty92 Score
Base +5, Enki17 +11, mooplololol +8, Qwerty Bam +5
Posted on 20 January 2013, 02:41 by:
Kurdistan Score
Base +2, Enki17 +11, titoloco -9, mooplololol +8, Qwerty Bam +5, Riyu1940 +7
Base +10, Nastro3 -5, Wilson Mills 9 +8, mooplololol +8, Qwerty Bam +5, budgieboi +6
Base +5, Nastro3 -5, Whiplash +9, mooplololol +8, Tsukimaru +21, Qwerty Bam +5, Rahien +7
Posted on 21 January 2013, 06:21 by:
Hezard Score
Base +8, Anonyslime +11, Wilson Mills 9 +8, Enki17 +11, titoloco -9, Chojiin +5, Tsukimaru +21, coughdr0p +4, Bomb Square +6, rawrdood +7, imonlyhere4porn +6, rotar zairo +10, budgieboi +5
Posted on 11 July 2015, 18:47 by:
sidk Score
Base +6, Zolnerowich +7, budgieboi +5