Wished that this was a bit longer, it's really good...Kind of surprised that no one has bought/uploaded this. It has amazing art, and IMO is close to the anime art.
Yes, I had to copy and paste and resize the image since melonbook's image size was 732 x 978. Unfortunately you will need an account to download from the store
Sorry if this sounds a bit offensive (Which I'm trying not to be) but, that kind of contradicts my previous statement about accepting requests.(Trying to save up as much money as possible to buy Witch on the Holy Night and Muv-Luv doujins) Also not trying to sound rude or anything, but it's kind of a waste of my money to buy doujins that are already out >____<
P.S: But I however, JUST this ONE time, will buy that first link you gave. After that I'm not taking anymore requests as I have to save money for any Aoko, Yui/Cryska or those ever so rare doujins that pique my interests since most people don't upload them.