Posted on 20 January 2013, 03:51 by:
coNTRa69 ![Contact Poster PM](
Posted on 20 January 2013, 04:06 by:
Megaton ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +10, Erranty +13, Blhue +8, JointDaArc +1, quazkov +10, TMSheik +7, Herp in your Derp +17, yoshi245 +11, scrappy135 +8, savaris +7, kudo01 +7, redbone +14, freegoleet +6, and 139 more...
Posted on 27 January 2013, 16:44 by:
redrum ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +9, Erranty +13, Blhue +8, quazkov +10, sockmans +6, yoshi245 +11, scrappy135 +8, savaris +7, kudo01 +7, redbone +14, freegoleet +6, MADARA-TAKA2 +7, Diamondblade +8, and 185 more...
Posted on 21 January 2013, 03:16 by:
Ico13 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +4, quazkov +10, savaris +7, redbone +14, MADARA-TAKA2 +7, Diamondblade +8, V1988 +7, Zaolao +8, swordofice1 +8, Zero Angel +38, Xephir +14, rising11 +6, k1bell +9, and 46 more...
Posted on 20 January 2013, 04:29 by:
sekirei07 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +27, quazkov +10, savaris +7, redbone +14, V1988 +7, Zaolao +8, Azul7 +7, Zero Angel +38, Shylight +6, sike69 +6, Yossarian762 -7, rising11 +6, Person8 -10, and 53 more...
Base +10, savaris +7, redbone +14, quazkov +10, MADARA-TAKA2 +7, V1988 +7, Zaolao +8, Azul7 +7, swordofice1 +8, stupid army +9, Zero Angel +38, Xephir +14, rising11 +6, and 54 more...
Posted on 20 January 2013, 04:58 by:
bakamann ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +4, quazkov +10, MADARA-TAKA2 +7, Diamondblade +8, V1988 +7, Azul7 +7, Zero Angel +38, Shanzenkou +8, fine17 -7, Xephir +14, rising11 +6, Person8 -10, k1bell +9, and 67 more...
Base +9, quazkov +10, Zaolao +8, Azul7 +7, Zero Angel +38, Shanzenkou +8, Bamioum +7, Person8 -10, rr123 -11, Blaze_fire +7, troqu +4, Dividedbyzero +14, Ganein +10, and 26 more...
Posted on 20 January 2013, 05:29 by:
DrKakashi ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +9, yawningcanoe +7, quazkov +10, V1988 +7, Zaolao +8, Azul7 +7, Flammz +6, swordofice1 +8, Zero Angel +38, Shanzenkou +8, sike69 +6, Leopold Stotch +9, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, and 83 more...
Base +11, quazkov +10, Zaolao +8, Zero Angel +38, rising11 +6, Person8 -10, k1bell +9, rr123 -11, Blaze_fire +7, Ganein +10, jaylou1010 +12, A_trophy1 +8, Leo the Leo +7, and 18 more...
Base +8, quazkov +10, V1988 +7, Zaolao +8, dimanganime +15, rising11 +6, Person8 -10, k1bell +9, rr123 -11, da3monata +8, jaylou1010 +12, Ganein +10, Knife Prty +4, and 22 more...
Base +8, quazkov +10, V1988 +7, Zaolao +8, Zero Angel +38, rising11 +6, Person8 -10, k1bell +9, rr123 -11, Blaze_fire +7, Samael Azrael +4, Ganein +10, Azul7 +7, and 26 more...
Posted on 20 January 2013, 06:34 by:
Qtzctl ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, quazkov +10, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, k1bell +9, rr123 +11, jaylou1010 +12, Bellmant -4, kudo08z +6, KazeZeroL -5, Fofotron +6
Posted on 20 January 2013, 07:18 by:
Yalsin ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +9, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, rr123 +11, elgigante -8, quazkov +11, Bellmant +4, Ryo Raijin +4, KazeZeroL -5, akunoko -24, AtotehZ -9
Posted on 20 January 2013, 07:46 by:
zax2020 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +11, rising11 +6, rr123 -11, quazkov +11, jaylou1010 +12, Raijinzrael +6, KazeZeroL -5, Fofotron +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 20 January 2013, 07:53 by:
shamful7 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +8, Zero Angel +38, rising11 +6, Person8 -10, k1bell +9, rr123 -11, Dividedbyzero +14, Ganein +10, jaylou1010 +12, morrandir +11, Knife Prty +4, Leo the Leo +7, Ooe Kintarou +3, and 20 more...
Posted on 21 January 2013, 02:45 by:
EddaRobo ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +9, Zero Angel +38, Huoratron +9, rising11 +6, Muscular Beaver +9, Person8 -10, k1bell +9, rr123 -11, Blaze_fire +7, troqu +4, RAGE1 +18, Anony12788 +13, Ganein +10, and 41 more...
Posted on 23 May 2013, 22:32 by:
Mann001 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +5, rising11 +6, rr123 -11, Hentai_kun +4, quazkov +11, Bane13 +21, kudo08z +6, Ooe Kintarou +1, Raijinzrael +6, Aaezahl +9, thaysd +6, Ryo Raijin +4, KazeZeroL -5, and 2 more...
Base +7, dimanganime +15, rr123 -11, elgigante -8, quazkov +11, Ooe Kintarou +1, Vivi1993 -7, Xerxis -8, KazeZeroL -5, RiyukiX -6, akunoko -23, helabus +6
Base +8, rising11 +6, Person8 -10, rr123 +11, quazkov +11, Raijinzrael +6, KazeZeroL -5, Fofotron +6
Posted on 20 January 2013, 12:23 by:
lucie92 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +5, rising11 +6, Person8 -10, stlinkinst -7, rr123 +11, quazkov +11, Raijinzrael +6, HabaneroJim +12, KazeZeroL -5, Fofotron +6, Rod_Perv +6, helabus -6, hairdo +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 21 January 2013, 15:17 by:
Palaxius ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +19, NailB +19, rr123 -11, Hex6 -7, Leman519 +8, KPasa +11, Hentai_kun -4, quazkov +11, McDo -9, jaylou1010 +12, lisemer -9, Vivi1993 -7, Raijinzrael -6, and 37 more...
Base +9, Person8 -10, k1bell +9, rr123 +11, quazkov +11, jaylou1010 +12, Ooe Kintarou +3, Raijinzrael +6, KazeZeroL -5, Fofotron +6, somerandomdude33 +7, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Base +8, Person8 -10, k1bell +9, rr123 +11, Dividedbyzero +14, quazkov +11, jaylou1010 +12, Knife Prty +4, Raijinzrael +6, KazeZeroL -5, bergil -6, Fofotron +6, somerandomdude33 +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 20 January 2013, 16:55 by:
badmana ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +7, theprinceh +10, rr123 -11, Sprit3 +5, elgigante +8, Millennial +9, quazkov +11, jaylou1010 +12, Coldcake +7, Knife Prty +4, Pillowgirl +21, Rod_Perv +6, Ryo Raijin +4, and 8 more...
Base +12, stlinkinst +7, NailB +19, rr123 -11, Hex6 -7, Millennial +9, tobageigy +7, Samael Azrael +4, Hariwald -12, Ficfactor +8, skeksis -9, quazkov +11, jaylou1010 +12, and 42 more...
Base +7, DreadZero +9, superchaos777 -8, Dividedbyzero -14, ChenDosColas +5, GhostStalker -7, HXW -8, zorro300 -7, e_santos +9, randomperson1 -7, SixTri -4, amestris21 -8, ALHQ51 +4, and 33 more...
Base +9, quazkov +11, Raijinzrael -6, KazeZeroL -5
Posted on 21 January 2013, 10:46 by:
Kyonko802 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, quazkov +11, da3monata +8, Coldcake +7, nowittycomment +6, FemaleHunter +4, Raijinzrael +6, Ryo Raijin +4, KazeZeroL -5, barkingdead +6, Fofotron +6, bergil -6, Boshima +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 21 January 2013, 17:23 by:
penislord ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +7, NailB +19, quazkov +11, jaylou1010 +12, Bellmant +4, kudo08z +6, FemaleHunter +4, Ooe Kintarou +3, KazeZeroL -5, Fofotron +6
Posted on 21 January 2013, 19:47 by:
kakolukio ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +7, quazkov +11, FemaleHunter +4, KazeZeroL -5, yankeeboy27 +6
Base +7, quazkov +11, jaylou1010 +12, FemaleHunter +4, Ooe Kintarou +3, Raijinzrael +6, KazeZeroL -5, Fofotron +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Base +10, quazkov +11, FemaleHunter +4, Ooe Kintarou +3, Raijinzrael +6, KazeZeroL -5, Fofotron +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 22 January 2013, 14:29 by:
daythi ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +8, quazkov +11, jaylou1010 +12, Bane13 +21, KazeZeroL -5, Fofotron +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 22 January 2013, 15:25 by:
sevenao ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +1, quazkov +11, jaylou1010 +12, Coldcake +7, FemaleHunter +4, Ooe Kintarou +3, Raijinzrael +6, Ryo Raijin +4, KazeZeroL -5, yankeeboy27 +6, Fofotron +6
Base +8, Coldcake +7, Bane13 +21, Anime Janai +11, BugKnot -8, Raijinzrael +6, KazeZeroL -5, bergil -6, Fofotron +6, helabus -6, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 13 February 2013, 04:31 by:
Eureka7 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +11, Anime Janai +11, Raijinzrael +6, KazeZeroL -5, Fofotron +6, somerandomdude33 +7, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 14 February 2013, 02:45 by:
cam155 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +8, Coldcake +7, LordDyhalto +17, KazeZeroL -5, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 23 October 2014, 19:25 by:
arnieboya ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +3, kudo08z +6, Raijinzrael +6, climacus +1, yankeeboy27 +6, KazeZeroL -5, ralix2 +6, Fofotron +6
Last edited on 27 January 2016, 05:20.
Base +25, Superstevefive +6, Ooe Kintarou +1, Raijinzrael -6, climacus +1, Faceless Male -5, bergil -6, Ryo Raijin +4, Ern Raven +7, KazeZeroL -5, Classified +6, akunoko +7, helabus -6
Posted on 01 July 2016, 16:57 by:
ayami123 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, bergil +6, KazeZeroL -5
Base +4, bergil +6, nowittycomment +12, yankeeboy27 +6, plaquebringer +6, KazeZeroL -5, akunoko -7, plusarkos +6, helabus +6, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Posted on 04 October 2018, 22:08 by:
Forgunia ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +5, plaquebringer +6, KazeZeroL -5, ralix2 +6, akunoko +7, Fofotron +6, helabus -6, somerandomdude33 +7, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Base +6, akunoko -23, Beyond Imagination -6, edson +14, Kanon191 -6, helabus +6, sleik -10, MelmothTheWanderer +33, Shintaro- +6
Posted on 23 August 2019, 03:58 by:
Luiz GAH ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, helabus -6, somerandomdude33 +7, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 13 November 2019, 10:37 by:
SyriasX ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, RaizelX -7, akunoko +24, WerewolfofWysteria +4, helabus -6, somerandomdude33 +7, sleik +10, hairdo +7, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Protazy +4, JustHereToLurk +4, 5delpastor +6, Shintaro- +6
Posted on 16 October 2020, 18:38 by:
Cure ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, sleik -10, hairdo -7, Difer -6
Posted on 25 February 2021, 04:23 by:
Illagher ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +1
Posted on 23 November 2023, 05:21 by:
fakeburst ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6