Most of my uploads are from the book itself. The ones I link to DL.Melonbook are the only PDF Files I have. Rest assured though, if I download a PDF file I'll look into TDream most likely for PDF extraction. Other then that as stated, 90% of my uploads are scanned from the books itself^^ Can't do anything if my scanner is old so I apologize for the low res on all my scans >___<
I didn't know that MUV-LUV alternative total eclipsel had a lot of fantastic doujins. I've already watched the anime and it was great. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks a lot both TDream And Devildie!!! Thank you very much!!!
@Devildie: IT'S NOT A REQUEST...but it's a recommendation of a GOOD Muv-Luv doujinshi which was released on C83. I really recommend it buying it, it's from the artist LEYMEI, which always makes excellent doujinshis btw.