Well, I've just found a new favorite to add to my ever-growing collection. Now, please excuse me while I go and yell "HUZZAH!" at the top of my lungs to show the world just how much I approve.
Thank you very much for this upload! Drawings are very nice! This one have to be translate!
By looking at his [pixiv] gallery, he has done other dojinshi related with Ranma. Funny how he seems to draw huge breasts (look at the cover), but here they are not as huge as he's use to draw them. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=42948&p=1
His other work: (C82) 道場破りの方は勝手口へおまわり下さい。 http://www.toranoana.jp/mailorder/article/04/0030/07/04/040030070458.html
It seems he may have draw a (C81)
And here the (C78) Chippoke na Present, kindly bring to us by Viper-san /g/465253/7c2a5d60f7/