Base +1, JSG16 +1, janusi -14, Ejastik -8, KPasa -11, ridvid1313 +4, everettj -10, bggm -12, hotdiabling -8, Bane13 -32, yaoiboi -6
Posted on 27 January 2013, 07:05 by:
Ventorez Score
Base +8, everettj -10, hike22 -6, somebodyelse_ -9, Palaxius -20, VladimirUrsinovich -2, danixxx -34, ridvid1313 +4, bggm -12, hotdiabling -8, Bane13 -32
Base +7, JSG16 -1, janusi +14, Ejastik +8, rouxxeuse +6, SCSS +8, Kazuar -8, tohya -8, KPasa +11, drunkprophet +9, zufield +10, Beane +10, mooplololol +7, and 43 more...
Base +13, Kazuar +8, Ejastik -8, KPasa -11, drunkprophet -9, zufield -10, Beane -10, ridvid1313 +4, everettj -10, bggm -12, atlascranga +6, hotdiabling -8, asxr -22, and 2 more...
Base +6, bggm +12, malhavoc431 +14, mooplololol +7, superjoy7 +3, skeksis +9, DJ_Puchuu +11, hotdiabling +8, nolol111 -6, Nivama +6, Melez -16, herpderp5545 +7, madprofessor +7, and 4 more...
Posted on 25 June 2013, 21:20 by:
weigazod Score
Base +7, nolol111 -6, Bane13 +32, Melez +16, herpderp5545 +7, coleccionista903 +6, 188Kasrkin +6, firedragon89 +11, Dr.Pervert +5
Base +5, nolol111 -6, Bane13 +32, herpderp5545 +7, 188Kasrkin +6, Dr.Pervert +5
Posted on 02 February 2015, 19:51 by:
KumagawaM Score
Base +5, Melez +16, rising11 +8, herpderp5545 +7, firedragon89 +11, Dr.Pervert +5
Posted on 04 November 2018, 13:18 by:
thanhnums Score
Base +6