18 - 20 Is from Hayaama Yuuko (something like that is a H-Game, try google it) 1 -12 Is from: LOVERS ~恋に落ちたら・・・~ (this was hard to find but google it and the first result should be the one) 15 Is from Kansen 5: The Daybreak 14 Is from (18禁アニメ)彼女は花嫁候補生? シンデレラコレクション vol.1 (Try google it and search the first 4 result in google) 30 I don't know where it is, but i find a vid called "Momo's Sex Confession" (Try start from there) 35 - 36 is from 罪罰 AQNOS (Like Crime & Punishment, try google it just like that "罪罰 AQNOS")
I hope I have helped
PD: I don't know japanese, i just know how search. :)