Posted on 09 February 2013, 22:29 by:
raemew Posted on 10 February 2013, 01:25 by:
Zelinko Score
Base +12, Palaxius +20, bagiaaa +11, ZhaneX +10, Sushilicious +35, janusi +16, Anonyslime +11, IntarwebzFTW -7, Techwire +16, irage88 +5, JRockefeller +10, BundleOfRags +4, Maximum_Joe +38, and 7 more...
Posted on 10 February 2013, 01:07 by:
Ratch Score
Base +12, SethHuber +9, Palaxius +20, Natsam +10, etothex +25, Sushilicious +35, Soulblade777 +5, Ryo777 +9, janusi +16, JRockefeller +10, crazymagic +9, Watari-kun +12, Elbowsmash +8, and 13 more...
Posted on 10 February 2013, 01:55 by:
Fishtaco Score
Base +9, liberius +8, Zero Angel +38, catboyjeremie +12, danixxx +34, Silver_Kirin +7, janusi +16, 4EverLost +31, tentacle-man61 -20, heh...narto +5, 1349-Kun +7, warellis +6, Epherion +7, and 3 more...
Posted on 10 February 2013, 02:14 by:
nabusco Score
Base +7, etothex +25, danixxx +34, janusi +16, tentacle-man61 +20, heh...narto +5, Eternal Dragon +4, 1349-Kun +7, Budda001 +6, warellis +6, darklord1235 +8, Porokichin66 +7, Fofotron +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 10 February 2013, 06:41 by:
Hezard Score
Base +8, huipizdagovno +6, zabi +10, Maximum_Joe +38, dmastaflex +7, warellis +6, Porokichin66 +7, Fofotron +6
Base +13, janusi +16, Sentiment +6, heh...narto +5, warellis +6, Porokichin66 +7, Fofotron +6
Base +9, janusi +16, tentacle-man61 -20, warellis +6
Base +10, tentacle-man61 -20, PampaPower -3, zumbafitnes -4, sparrow5 -5, ShadowMKII +7, warellis -7
Posted on 01 June 2013, 04:04 by:
E1Diablo Score
Base +9, tentacle-man61 -20, Sentiment +6, Kona-chan +7, warellis +6
Base +6, warellis +6, Fofotron +6
Posted on 20 September 2018, 00:45 by:
Pheebe Score
Base +4