Posted on 11 February 2013, 20:40 by:
Gluds Score
Base +30, Yossarian762 +7, distels +6, aloc1234 +24, Flammz -6, Dividedbyzero -14, NailB +19, danixxx -35, leek8210 -4, Bellmant +4, Buraku-chan +12, Tiru +4, Limited +8, and 2 more...
Base +3, akunoko -24, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +15, stupid army +9, danixxx +35, Bellmant +4, Tiru +4, akunoko -24, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +9, Dividedbyzero -14, Smokie88 -7, stupid army +9, laaronadnxl +10, Bellmant +4, Buraku-chan +12, Tiru +4, akunoko -24, MelmothTheWanderer +11
Base +7, semtex -9, stupid army +9, Toastkoro +8, Tiru +4, akunoko -24, Visadio -17, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +7, Dividedbyzero -14, Smokie88 -7, NailB +19, danixxx +35, laaronadnxl +10, Toastkoro +8, BartSSJ +10, Bellmant +4, Buraku-chan +12, Tiru +4, kdrt +9, akunoko -24
Base +8, Kuro Yuuki +4, Vivi1993 +11, Visadio -15, akunoko -24, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +9, akunoko -24, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +4, Palaxius +20, BartSSJ -10, Bellmant -4, Buraku-chan -12, Tiru -4, =0w0= -8, RareTracks -15, Kuro Yuuki +4, stupid army -7, Tagapilay -6, Vivi1993 +11, Rouge・ -30, and 2 more...
Posted on 29 December 2015, 17:16 by:
bank156 Score
Base +6, akunoko -24, MelmothTheWanderer +33