Posted on 13 February 2013, 23:34 by:
John Tank Score
Base +1, Xilleon -17, mokusurasu +7, kax +9, SpacePegasus +5, Demonlogan +6, darienkd +11, blagblag +8, turrix +9, Azraelgt +21, Dawnell_do +9, Simple_2 +4, janusi +16, and 48 more...
Base +1, Xilleon -17, mokusurasu +7, kax +9, SpacePegasus +5, Demonlogan +6, kaluak -10, nww +7, Tove +9, jaylou1010 +12, Michos +9, Giovannihur +4, hameon +8, and 6 more...
Posted on 13 February 2013, 23:38 by:
pop9 Score
Base +48, Xilleon -17, mokusurasu -7, SWise -8, kax -9, defrag -7, darienkd -11, Azraelgt +21, ExecutorBill -12, LouisIII -7, Tove +9, xelyakum +8, cman1361 -12, and 9 more...
Base +9, Michos +9, SpacePegasus +5, Demonlogan +6, janusi +16, nww +7, Tove +9, cman1361 +12, dolphinslow +24, jaylou1010 +12, samm1e1 +11, hameon +8, moniker22 +9, and 22 more...
Base +9, ntiger -9, nww +7, Giovannihur -4, PrinceKoopaIV -2, Lucius70 +9, lord pipari -6, muffinfucker -7, sato62 -3, yejz +6, ArchAngelrc -7, DanRade -6, Suzaku Medli -8, and 2 more...
Posted on 14 February 2013, 04:40 by:
Rumcays Score
Base +1, nww +7, Tove +9, jaylou1010 +12, hameon +8, kiciek +2, cgh +8, sato62 +3, omgpirate +10, liclic +7, marki-t +5, 10tanksonawall +8, TheGoodGiggle +5
Base +16, liclic +7, tobeunforgiven2 +19, TheGoodGiggle +5
Base +2, ArchAngelrc -7, LeFlame-Befoe +11, liclic +7, somecoolname +7, TheGoodGiggle -5
Posted on 11 March 2014, 02:47 by:
NL94 Score
Base +3, liclic +7, RadiantLore-chan +5, tobeunforgiven2 +19, TheGoodGiggle +5
Base +6, omgpirate +10, marki-t +5, TheGoodGiggle +5, tb852 +5