Posted on 14 February 2013, 23:26 by:
Asagi86 Posted on 14 February 2013, 23:34 by:
Gitami Score
Base +14, Palaxius +20, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, kaiton +9, widowchaser +7, 69flavors +7, RiZa +10, Zero Angel +38, k1bell +9, rising11 +6, janusi +16, asdeker +10, NailB -19, and 13 more...
Base +9, kaiton +9, Bluntobject +8, Gluds +30, lol02216 +8, khrizto -6, zgundam1 +11, 69flavors +7, Morgoth666 +9, Zero Angel +38, Elementxj +5, rising11 +6, janusi +16, and 24 more...
Base +6, EdoubleT +8, zgundam1 +11, rising11 +6, janusi +16, Prout prout +8
Posted on 15 February 2013, 00:54 by:
Akres Score
Base +9, Temchy -27, Mr. Orange -7, Franka -11, BlueSmoke -5, Xerodusk -19, Dorseen -5
Posted on 15 February 2013, 01:55 by:
newsbox Score
Base +9, Zexar +11, kula54 +5, quitit +8, nokosan +5, DevilsView +7, rising11 +6, janusi +16, liberius +8, RAGE1 +18, darthmongoose +3, Valhalla892 +7, pervido +17, and 8 more...
Posted on 15 February 2013, 04:45 by:
Bobangock Score
Base +7, nokosan +5, Geylnidae +8, Franka +11, sonictmp -9, Hitsuyou-H +28, janusi +16, IntarwebzFTW -7, C4th0de +11, Chaosrains +6, Bunker Buster +29, Mageta +16, silf_FFR-41MR +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 17 February 2013, 00:19 by:
Rail+S Score
Base +12, PrinceVern +7, Ooe Kintarou +4
Base +9, Mageta +16, sukadaic +11, Zexar +14, dolphinslow +17, Ooe Kintarou +4, as102 +9, Feladrance +5
Posted on 22 February 2013, 01:53 by:
S0B Score
Base +15, Ooe Kintarou +4
Posted on 28 February 2013, 10:22 by:
ktaguri13 Score
Base +7