Posted on 15 February 2013, 06:36 by:
Gluds Score
Base +30, DDude8 -17, airhead +14, Zero Angel -38, kitsuneH +18, Wakarimasen25 -5, danixxx -35, Demosthenes -12, voices in my head +6
Base +23, Xephir +15, MASigma +12, airhead +14, Garadice +6, Zero Angel +38, Mugen no Saga -5, janusi -16, danixxx +35, b1324590 +5, Oscuro +6, the dru one +9, Fishington +8, and 11 more...
Base +10, Xephir +15, MASigma +12, airhead +14, dap00 +27, Zero Angel +38, eridor +6, Mugen no Saga +5, janusi -16, The Hollow Reaper +7, danixxx +35, aloc1234 +25, Coloris +21, and 20 more...
Base +5, Xephir -15, MASigma +12, airhead +14, Zero Angel +38, janusi +16, kai000 +4, danixxx +35, b1324590 +5, Oscuro +6, WhatEver99999 +7, 3mr +10, sfiganera +1, and 8 more...
Posted on 15 February 2013, 11:33 by:
ztshp Score
Base +7, airhead -14, kitsuneH -18, danixxx -35
Posted on 15 February 2013, 12:13 by:
lixef Score
Base +10, dap00 +27, Zero Angel +38, Mugen no Saga +5, jues +7, janusi -16, nyankochan +8, b1324590 +5, Oscuro +6, Koropokuru +10, Jackdirt +8, Somebro +21, Thatothersting +13, and 35 more...
Posted on 15 February 2013, 13:58 by:
NooneDX Score
Base +10, pizzapicante27 +7, Bel_King +8, sfiganera +1, barbe drock +1, tubo +5, RadiantLore-chan +5, voices in my head +6
Base +6, barbe drock +1, SeedySkies +1, tubo +5, RadiantLore-chan +5
Base +8, Bel_King +8, sfiganera +1, barbe drock +1, RadiantLore-chan +5
Posted on 16 February 2013, 04:58 by:
Narineko Score
Base +4, barbe drock +1, tubo +5, voices in my head +6
Posted on 26 February 2016, 21:10 by:
elgringo Score
Base +49, Paff444 +6, jsnormandy +10
Posted on 24 February 2020, 23:26 by:
DarkMel Score
Base +7