Posted on 19 February 2013, 10:22 by:
elzi Base +12, Kurdistan +2, dirtyhairry +17, Shouki +10, aloc1234 +26, xenophone +10, Herp in your Derp +19, Jampmee +10, Dustfinger +10, joun01 +8, blue penguin +18, Auronio +8, heavenlyskyfriday +7, and 16 more...
Base +8, Killer88 +8, dirtyhairry +17, Jampmee +10, janusi +16, Limited +9, The Hollow Reaper +7
Base +9, Kurdistan +2, dirtyhairry +17, Shouki +10, xenophone +10, Herp in your Derp +19, janusi +16, RaspberyAki10 +6, Limited +9, Chinro +6, The Hollow Reaper +7
Base +18, dirtyhairry +17, Shouki +10, Hongfire -7, xenophone +10, Herp in your Derp +19, Jampmee +10, janusi +16, Sushilicious +35, Ennay +7, NoNameNoBlame +29, Limited +9, Chinro +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 20 February 2013, 05:46 by:
malkatmp Score
Base +8, Jampmee +10, janusi +16, Limited +9, The Hollow Reaper +7
Posted on 20 February 2013, 14:34 by:
iphap Score
Base +9, janusi +16, blue penguin +18, RaspberyAki10 +6, NoNameNoBlame +29, Limited +9, The Hollow Reaper +7
Posted on 20 February 2013, 16:57 by:
Enki17 Score
Base +11, janusi +16, Nithron +5, Dydelhaert +7
Base +7, Master Fapper +7, scotsman89 -4, NoNameNoBlame +29, halgorn +6, The Hollow Reaper +7, Futalover10 +6
Base +3, Nithron -5, falafelswoop -6