Posted on 23 February 2013, 13:39 by:
crover Score
Base +10, Thatothersting +13, pusssu +10, Zero Angel +38, Herp in your Derp +19, danixxx +35, itachi3987 +4, bloodydeath666 +5, Marisa Kirisame +8, kyimata +8, Yeahyay +3, Edtome +7, FemaleHunter +2, and 6 more...
Posted on 23 February 2013, 13:55 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +8, Eus +7, Kenzaki Kazuma +24, Absaint +5, Operand +1, Zero Angel +38, meow_pao +8, StringEmUp +11, Herp in your Derp +19, lwllw +7, aloc1234 +26, D u b b y +12, itachi3987 +4, and 16 more...
Posted on 23 February 2013, 15:04 by:
janusi Score
Base +16, Oscuro +7, Kenzaki Kazuma +24, Absaint +5, Operand +1, hell yease +6, Herp in your Derp +19, danixxx +35, itachi3987 +4, Marisa Kirisame +8, kyimata +8, MechWarriorNY +6, Yeahyay +3, and 9 more...
Base +8, Zero Angel +38, Herp in your Derp +19, Hezard +8, danixxx +35, Marisa Kirisame +8, kyimata +8, Yeahyay +3, Edtome +7, Rail vehicle fan +5, Guardsman40k +7
Base +8, Chaoster +6, itachi3987 +4, Nemesis2000 +5, Yeahyay +3, Frenzyhero +4, Edtome +7, FemaleHunter +2, Ost666 +5, pureyang +21, Rail vehicle fan +5
Posted on 23 February 2013, 18:44 by:
smartz118 Score
Base +7, Zelinko +12, itachi3987 +4, jakeree96 +5, Marisa Kirisame +8, MechWarriorNY +7, Nemesis2000 -5, Yeahyay +3, Edtome +7, Moroboshi Yuumei +4, pureyang +21, Rail vehicle fan +5
Posted on 23 February 2013, 18:51 by:
oswald123 Score
Base +10, snakenbacon -7, donkey_kong -10, Mandango -10, Luke78 -7, Manick2005 -5, Narutu sand ninja -9, Moku -10, Marisa Kirisame -8, Nemesis2000 +5, jenkins jenkins -6
Base +15, Herp in your Derp +19, Corporate Shill +15, Zelinko +12, yukkurikeeper +2, itachi3987 +4, Noterrelly +10, ShadowJ +6, kyimata +8, MechWarriorNY +7, Nemesis2000 +5, Yeahyay +3, Frenzyhero +4, and 9 more...
Base +1, bloodydeath666 -5, Stripey +6, pureyang +21, Rail vehicle fan +5
Posted on 24 February 2013, 04:21 by:
baphomael Score
Base +9, Hezard +8, itachi3987 +4, MechWarriorNY +7, Nemesis2000 +5, Yeahyay +3, Edtome +7, FemaleHunter +2, Ost666 +5, Moroboshi Yuumei +4, pureyang +21, Rail vehicle fan +5, voxxyn +9
Posted on 24 February 2013, 14:16 by:
Precursor Score
Base +4, Nemesis2000 -5, rev112 -7
Posted on 25 February 2013, 15:25 by:
vdate Score
Base +10, itachi3987 +4, Knocks +5, Marisa Kirisame +8, MechWarriorNY +7, NoNameNoBlame +31, Yeahyay +3, Edtome +7, Ost666 +5, necrosis527 +9, Rail vehicle fan +5
Posted on 13 October 2013, 19:11 by:
A123B Score
Base +6, Nemesis2000 +5, Edtome +7, Moroboshi Yuumei +4, pureyang +21, rev112 +7, Rail vehicle fan +5, cm4000 +6