Posted on 03 March 2013, 02:01 by:
coNTRa69 Base +6, Yossarian762 -7, Slobber -29, Herp in your Derp -19, Spintro -5, Austriacus -9, RareTracks -16, Danman -8, psyburn21 -14, gearan -8, Nastro3 -5, Moku -10, DefteraMT -8, and 37 more...
Base +11, Herp in your Derp +19, Yossarian762 +7, coNTRa69 +8, grimreaper2425 +8, pervido +17, DragonTear +8, RareTracks +16, Blopa +11, psyburn21 +14, Moku +10, dementio +7, LegoArielFanMaster +8, and 96 more...
Base +8, mattieus +7, Hellspeak +12, chibidw +9, Relgoshan +7, Omnilordxvi +9, NailB +20, suckmycockdude -1, ekngeighenb7816 +3, Rorschach2099 +5, GatakiribaCombo +6, Crimsoncharcoal +7, ilovethishit +5, and 20 more...
Posted on 03 March 2013, 02:20 by:
hike22 Score
Base +6, RareTracks +16, Herp in your Derp +19, Nastro3 +5, Moku +10, toravisu -10, liberius +8, chibidw +9, Shanzenkou +8, pollaco +10, theprinceh +11, Slartibartfast -11, zagnor +9, and 41 more...
Posted on 08 March 2013, 02:07 by:
Ico13 Score
Base +5, Nastro3 -5, Moku -10, in777 -9, Hellspeak +12, Thanks +8, Tenchi Ryu +7, theprinceh +11, stupid army -9, Rorschach2099 -5, Millennial +9, pyropix +4, politas +8, and 23 more...
Base +7, mrpatpie +3, rms141 +10, Hellspeak +12, dementio +7, Master Fapper +7, theprinceh +11, HorridGuest +19, Slartibartfast +11, Anony12788 +13, Ishouni +18, Hezard +8, SuperHuy +11, and 71 more...
Base +12, stupid army +9, politas +8, ekngeighenb7816 -3, Bane13 -30, HonorableShogun -5, silf_FFR-41MR -10, fighterzer98 -7, bergil +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 03 March 2013, 04:32 by:
bakasora Score
Base +18, Moku +10, theprinceh +11, Dividedbyzero -14, Omnilordxvi -9, Cessc +5, stupid army +9, Rorschach2099 +5, NailB +20, NebulaM78 -8, gazgamentulus +12, mooplololol -7, ekngeighenb7816 +3, and 36 more...
Posted on 03 March 2013, 04:40 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +8, Moku +10, linku medici +3, Hellspeak +12, pollaco +10, theprinceh +11, dnlight +11, Techwire +16, ballcock +6, da3monata +9, erogal +7, mooplololol +7, ekngeighenb7816 +3, and 30 more...
Base +6, rms141 +10, Hellspeak +12, Hezard +8, rodrick +7, mooplololol +7, ekngeighenb7816 +3, GatakiribaCombo -6, fillin +5, Bane13 +30, funk doctor spock +3, Limited -6, knucklesluigi +6, and 7 more...
Base +7, Rorschach2099 +5, Azura Meta +5, ballcock +6, kamah +4, DGoscar +8, ekngeighenb7816 +3, Lemunz +6, Crimsoncharcoal +7, ilovethishit +5, predator11 +7, fillin +5, Bane13 +30, and 18 more...
Base +1, Azura Meta +5, NebulaM78 -8, psyburn21 +14, ekngeighenb7816 +3, Jisatu -6, Bane13 -30, Nastro3 +5, karambula +1, HonorableShogun -5, Victor DoUrden -11, Limited +6, silf_FFR-41MR -10, and 14 more...
Posted on 05 March 2013, 18:35 by:
dakight Score
Base +10, ekngeighenb7816 +3, predator11 +7, Bane13 -30, Hikarunu +5, SightlierGravy +5, HonorableShogun -5, Victor DoUrden -11, silf_FFR-41MR -10, stupid army -7, ss567 -6, Surviva -6, Ligera -6, and 8 more...
Base +12, ekngeighenb7816 +3, predator11 +7, Bane13 -30, Hikarunu +5, Altayrl +5, HonorableShogun -5, Malkovik +4, Limited +6, rjimenez666 +5
Posted on 18 May 2014, 18:13 by:
Palaxius Score
Base +20, DGoscar +8, Limited -9, Rorschach2099 -5, pahindok -10, looon -17, Nastro3 -6, nww -7, who71 -11, Bane13 -30, Toxsi -5, silf_FFR-41MR -10, ss567 -6, and 4 more...
Posted on 17 September 2013, 00:35 by:
mrmai Score
Base +1, Bane13 -30, Hikarunu +5, Thelemonish -4, bowzie +1, Victor DoUrden -11, Limited +6, rjimenez666 +5, mbgod +6, bergil +6
Posted on 10 February 2015, 22:54 by:
Zantos Score
Base +6, rjimenez666 +5
Base +3, rjimenez666 -5, Ooe Kintarou -2, acedzace -6, 555666777 -6, mbgod +5, ryuzakil -8, bergil -6, MelmothTheWanderer -13, edson -14, Orion9137 -11
Posted on 03 January 2016, 22:34 by:
Hytgar Score
Base +5, Ooe Kintarou +2, Drode +10, TheBrojangles +6
Base +9, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +1, bergil +6, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +7, akunoko +28, vixenelli +5, TheBrojangles +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, KuuhakuShiro +6, collased1 +6