Base +8, Herp in your Derp +19, NailB +20, aloc1234 +26, tentacle-man61 +24, fierylava12 +8, Relgoshan -7
Base +8, titoloco -9, Herp in your Derp +19, enyoeos +10, Gabriel2 +8, tentacle-man61 -24, GGS +8, Relgoshan -7, heartgold +6
Base +7, titoloco +9, Herp in your Derp +19, NailB +20, ademar +8, Captian Katsura +6, yoyo546 +23, coolboyrulez +12, lolkitty +8, tentacle-man61 -24, Meccaflare +6, Relgoshan -7, No0neKnows -7
Posted on 05 March 2013, 17:42 by:
Mc Rack Score
Base +9, Herp in your Derp +19, NailB +20, tentacle-man61 +24, fierylava12 +7, Relgoshan -7, No0neKnows -7, Rolled +6
Posted on 06 March 2013, 02:21 by:
Granten Score
Base +11, enyoeos +10, tentacle-man61 -24, Dycraxis +8, Relgoshan -7, No0neKnows -7
Base +5, NailB -20, NEOSymphony -1, StillWind -13, Captian Katsura -6, Irrsinn -8, psyburn21 -14, Dividedbyzero +14, Palaxius +20, Person8 -10, lolkitty -8, ryu_kent -4, möp -9, and 3 more...
Base +9, Dividedbyzero -14, Palaxius -20, Person8 +10, NailB +20, tentacle-man61 -24, möp +9, Leo the Leo +7, supercat159 +8, Dycraxis -8, GGS +8, Relgoshan +7, blunt005 +6, and 6 more...
Base +4, leo859 -5, lolkitty -8, NailB -20, ryu_kent -4, möp -9, tentacle-man61 +24, Karat +9, GGS -8, Relgoshan +7, No0neKnows +7, heartgold -6
Posted on 07 March 2013, 06:47 by:
milk90 Score
Base +1, No0neKnows -7
Posted on 07 March 2013, 08:01 by:
coNTRa69 Score
Base +8, tentacle-man61 +24, GGS +8, bigbrown411 +5, Relgoshan -7, heartgold +6