Base +7, psyburn21 +14, redbone +14, bagiaaa +11, RareTracks +16, 3mr +10, Mugen no Saga +5, dp03 -6, JRockefeller +11, Sushilicious +35, Aystrum +6, MASigma +13, danixxx +35, and 22 more...
Base +5, Azura Meta +5, Dark Mac -17, StillWind -14, DefteraMT -8, stupid army -9, sgthale -13, kinoshita_tokichiro -15
Posted on 06 March 2013, 15:19 by:
Flammz Score
Base +7, bagiaaa +11, NailB +20, dp03 -6, Precursor +4, KaTIOWa +6, Haryomu +10, banjomarx +2, Zeddal +3, DattacK +4, Oblivo +5, RareTracks +15
Base +9, bagiaaa -11, udizzle +3, NailB -20, stupid army -9, DefteraMT -8, Corporate Shill -15
Posted on 06 March 2013, 21:55 by:
raym2201 Score
Base +8, dp03 -6, backslash -8, Precursor -4, Dividedbyzero -14, Palaxius -20, Oblivo +5, andre7 -10
Posted on 07 March 2013, 01:48 by:
Epion09 Score
Base +22, MASigma +13, danixxx +35, RareTracks +16, Precursor +4, NailB +20, Sushilicious +35, uzaidi +5, KaTIOWa +6, George642 +8, Cariote123 +8, drop it +5, Haryomu -10, and 23 more...
Base +1, MASigma +13, Precursor +4, v1c0d1n +7, Dividedbyzero -14, KaTIOWa +6, Palaxius -20, カカシ -5, stupid army +9, CCBlazer2 +6, stayce -8, banjomarx +2, Zeddal +3, and 24 more...
Posted on 07 March 2013, 04:55 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +8, skeksis +9, Hazai +16, Precursor +4, stupid army +9, v1c0d1n +7, Sushilicious +35, Cariote123 +8, Haryomu -10, HXW -9, RainXD +6, GabrielTDO +6, drk542 +4, and 4 more...
Posted on 07 March 2013, 11:27 by:
Vooxoo Score
Base +14, Palaxius +20, Haryomu -10, Blaze_fire +8, ToastedSkyttles -5, DattacK -4, Oblivo -5, RareTracks -15, Hasmond +6, echizen128 +5, Shinxix -8, EllincedeT +7
Posted on 08 March 2013, 01:14 by:
jzohach Score
Base +7, KaTIOWa +6, sgthale +13, Shinxix +8, abrickhouse +3, see-eff +6
Base +6, andre7 +10, EllincedeT -7
Base +3, KaTIOWa +6, abidex +4, drop it -5, Lizett +8, surrdurr -9, QuerryRunner +7, Seiguld +7, GabrielTDO +6, codywelch +6, DattacK -4, waltergeist +7, Riposte +6, and 16 more...
Base +8, QuerryRunner +7, Haryomu +10, anonbj +6, GabrielTDO -6, codywelch +6, DattacK -4, karambula +2, Railander -18, Riposte +6, Oblivo -5, RareTracks -15, Awa2ub17 +4, and 6 more...
Base +7, waltergeist +7, pond39267 +6, Oblivo -5, RareTracks -15, Awa2ub17 +4, SomeLazyDouche +7, Railander -21, nickahousan +6, andre7 -10, EllincedeT +7, see-eff +6, akunoko +28, and 1 more...