Base +6, PhantomRenegade +15, Anony12788 +13, Gitami +14, DefteraMT -8, Chips Handon -9, crazymagic -10, RedUnit10 +7, Tenchi Ryu +7, Yossarian762 -7, Dividedbyzero +14, Red of EHCOVE +40, danixxx +35, and 20 more...
Posted on 09 March 2013, 03:22 by:
ZoddGuts Score
Base +8, Natsam -11, Bobangock -7, PhantomRenegade +15, Anony12788 -13, Gitami +14, Abweichung -5, DefteraMT +8, Chips Handon +9, crazymagic +10, Gui Cogo -18, Gigano_Reis -4, aloc1234 +26, and 52 more...
Base +12, Chips Handon +9, OlgaFrow +13, NailB +20, CrystalMendrilia +11, tohya +8, blsebu +10, Flammz +7, RareTracks +14, Machiga +4, Bwaly +6, Daddyfatsack +6
Base +8, Nastro3 -5, Gui Cogo +18, coke9999 -8, Natsam +11, chiakisan +26, Lolzmang +8, DoctorWorm7 -15, DefteraMT -8, Lucie4 +8, hasanu -8, Yossarian762 -7, Abweichung +5, and 26 more...
Base +18, RedUnit10 +7, PhantomRenegade +15, Machiga +4, karambula +3, Zantos +6, Puusan +7, Wilfriback +6, Bwaly -6
Posted on 09 March 2013, 04:31 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +8, RedUnit10 +7, Hezard +8, hasanu +8, superman89 -6, PhantomRenegade +15, murmandamusa -5, suckmycockdude +2, BartSSJ +10, karambula +3, Zantos +6, Bwaly -6, Daddyfatsack +6
Base +9, MackDiesel -9, DefteraMT +8, Tenchi Ryu -7, eset02 +7, hasanu +8, Rakuko +8, robnovem +10, Yossarian762 +7, Dividedbyzero -14, stupid army +9, LighthawkKnight +18, Nastro3 +5, and 42 more...
Posted on 11 March 2013, 00:47 by:
laefielx Score
Base +6, zukuenft +10, murmandamusa -5, TUR +4, Palaxius -20, Nastro3 +5, Liana333 +7, BartSSJ +10, =0w0= +4, Machiga +4, cbdyourmom +6, Zantos +6, Puusan -7, and 7 more...
Base +24, Iexist +12, the dru one +9, Liana333 -7, MelmothTheWanderer -9, suckmycockdude +2, shadowkazumanic -8, DarKDragonite -7, Second Dus +11, skylancer1 -5, Palaxius +22, RareTracks -14, Marzzel -3, and 24 more...
Base +7, Nastro3 +5, DarKDragonite +7, BartSSJ +10, Palaxius -22, =0w0= +4, Machiga +4, cbdyourmom +6, Zantos +6, Puusan -7, RareTracks +16, Bwaly -6, miketheman +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 06 May 2013, 00:06 by:
KaInEvIL Score
Base +9, RareTracks +14, Machiga +4, cbdyourmom +6, Zantos +6, Puusan -7, Wilfriback -6, Bwaly -6, Daddyfatsack +6, player4578 +6
Posted on 08 October 2013, 18:15 by:
Atfoolish Score
Base +1, Palaxius -22, karambula -3, Scumlord -6, cbdyourmom +6, Zantos +6, Kirasama +6, Puusan -7, RareTracks +16, EllincedeT -7, KagamiShugu +9, Soren25 +6, pennywisdom_09 +6, and 3 more...
Base +9, Palaxius -22, Indoril +6, karambula -3, cbdyourmom +6, Zantos +6, Puusan -7, RareTracks +16, Bwaly -6, Daddyfatsack +6, player4578 -6