Posted on 10 March 2013, 00:55 by:
laefielx Score
Base +6, addabug +4, khrizto +6, SethHuber +9, danixxx +35, kyimata +7, Fenrirdies -8, Laharl_EAC +9, theoreticalfox +4, amurec80 +2, RareTracks +15, NitroRaikou +2, Potheeeed +5, and 1 more...
Base +12, DandyB +8, khrizto +6, CriscoGawd +8, SethHuber +9, danixxx +35, toravisu +10, kyimata +7, Fenrirdies -8, ChainsOfVengence +10, Marisa Kirisame +8, Laharl_EAC +9, DarioEmpio +2, and 8 more...
Base +2, khrizto +6, kyimata +7, Fenrirdies -8, Paptimus Scirocco +6, RareTracks +15, Potheeeed +5
Posted on 10 March 2013, 01:14 by:
bagiaaa Score
Base +11, kurtis +8, DandyB +8, khrizto +6, lunicube +9, aloc1234 +26, vastolordzen +6, DestroyerMonkey +9, SethHuber +9, Otaku4Noobs +1, in777 +9, applefarmer +6, toravisu +10, and 21 more...
Base +8, khrizto +6, kyimata +7, Air_ +6, Fenrirdies -8, Finbastard +9, RareTracks +15, NitroRaikou +2, mrTuba22 +6
Posted on 10 March 2013, 01:37 by:
U-Jin Score
Base +9, vastolordzen +6, PokeBaal +5, Fenrirdies -8, Finbastard +9, RareTracks +15, Knipol +6
Base +7, Eus +7, Fenrirdies -8, theoreticalfox +4, gometa +6, Potheeeed +5
Base +10, Fenrirdies -8, johnnycabra +8, NitroRaikou +2, molten1 +7
Base +24, CriscoGawd -8, SethHuber +9, danixxx +35, plumpup +9, kurtis -8, Razeil100 +8, C4th0de +11, in777 +9, applefarmer +6, toravisu -10, kyimata +7, Hakuei -7, and 11 more...
Posted on 10 March 2013, 09:04 by:
Aspada Score
Base +7, Masterbot -9, stupid army -9, supyloco -9, kurtis -8, PokeBaal -5, applefarmer -6, in777 -9, Hakuei -7, NoNameNoBlame -29, Saltgunner -7, hermit20 +8, Magrinho5 -8, and 2 more...
Posted on 11 March 2013, 05:36 by:
whobez Score
Base +8, Hakuei -7, Mikegamer -8, hermit20 +8, Jokolytic +2, Saltgunner -7, Fenrirdies -8, Marisa Kirisame -8, Denjiro -8, DarkerBlood +8, queeneuphy +8, RareTracks -15, NitroRaikou +2, and 3 more...
Posted on 11 March 2013, 19:48 by:
Andate Score
Base +10, Fenrirdies -8, chipie-OH -5, Denjiro -8, RareTracks -15, Saltgunner -9, Ficfactor +15, Potheeeed -5, Capuchuu +5
Base +7, kyimata +7, Fenrirdies -8, RareTracks +15, Potheeeed +5
Base +4, Fenrirdies -8, Marisa Kirisame +8
Base +7, hermit20 +8, Saltgunner -7, Fenrirdies -8, anonbj +6, amurec80 +2, RareTracks -15, NitroRaikou +2, mbahgonjo +4, Knipol -6
Base +9, RohanX12 +5, Fenrirdies -8, chipie-OH +5, Marisa Kirisame +8, Finbastard +9, NitroRaikou +2, Your Brother +5, Knipol +6
Base +9, Fenrirdies -8, chipie-OH +5, Marisa Kirisame +8, Randomdude69 -1, NotDiegoBrando +5, Your Brother +5, Knipol +6
Posted on 03 May 2013, 10:12 by:
SJMK Score
Base +8, Fenrirdies -8, GoodyDemon +3, amurec80 +2, bigpapadck -1
Base +5, Capuchuu +5, Firesumo -6, Your Brother -5, skunsas -6, Lomped -6
Last edited on 19 November 2020, 12:39.
Base +6