Posted on 18 March 2013, 23:25 by:
FUKE Base +7, 20200 -30, yasew -8, Azraelgt -22, see-eff -6
Base +7, FUKE +12, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, Luke78 +7, IonicTHI -11, JRockefeller +13, blankset +8, Yossarian762 +7, b1324590 +6, sigo8 +22, aiwotorimodose +28, bootywarrior +5, popcorn99 +6, and 45 more...
Posted on 19 March 2013, 03:26 by:
Slobber Score
Base +29, dialman +7, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, Luke78 -7, Yossarian762 -7, bootywarrior +5, dudeman888 +7, Azul7 +7, Beane -11, Brickster +20, hereforthesocks -5, Prout prout +8, HentaiM@ster +9, and 9 more...
Posted on 19 March 2013, 04:36 by:
Hakrei Score
Base +17, see-eff +6
Base +11, Beane -11, Azraelgt -22, SimpleError +9, ENHfaithful +4, js2016 +2, HentaiM@ster +9, Toot Oriole +6, Fatcac -6, MelmothTheWanderer +6
Base +6, Azul7 +7, nonShade +10, lwllw +7, Kuro Neko +26, Yossarian762 -7, qwopqwop +10, Beane -11, Lakota +9, Brickster +20, Zero Angel +38, itsspherical +1, tcvds +7, and 22 more...
Base +8, Yossarian762 +7, ENHfaithful +4, Shadow_771 +11, Ooe Kintarou +7, see-eff +6
Posted on 19 March 2013, 20:55 by:
ZhaneX Score
Base +10, Yossarian762 -7, HentaiM@ster +9, Ooe Kintarou +7, see-eff +6
Base +4, HentaiM@ster +9, Ooe Kintarou +7
Posted on 20 March 2013, 20:46 by:
laefielx Score
Base +6, see-eff +6
Posted on 18 August 2013, 06:02 by:
surted Score
Base +6, Nivama +6, Ooe Kintarou +7