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Vampire Hunter D: Ecchi Screenshots !!

Posted:2013-03-21 21:14
File Size:19.11 MiB
Length:74 pages
Favorited:20 times
Average: 3.34

Showing 1 - 40 of 74 images

Posted on 21 March 2013, 22:50 by:   HXW    PM
Score +12
Oh the nostalgia. Each time I watch older anime makes me wonder why the self-proclaimed "critics" bemoan that the present anime industry has "degenerated" into nothing but a "porn industry" due to the "excessive" fanservice and that anime should return to the old times, when it was "pure" and "clean". Everytime I hear somebody say such nonsense, I safely conclude that said "critic" has not the slightest idea what the hell they are talking about.
Posted on 22 March 2013, 00:58 by:   Seyser Koze    PM
Score +52
We'll set aside the fact that this accounts for a few seconds of footage in the entire movie.
Posted on 22 March 2013, 04:37 by:   DarKDragonite    PM
Score +20
@HWX: that's the problem, the medium of animation in general needs to evolve. We've always had this type of excessive fan service in anime, but now-a-days it's just more blunt, and out there. everything bout this just confirms the stereotype of the average anime fan as being the 30something trogladite who lives with his parents, and gets off on little girls. This Stuff has got to go. It's damaging to the medium of animation in general, and it's also turning off potential new fans in the future.Not only that but it creates a damaging expectation for women in society.

@yavh: i know, it's stupid to complain about sexism on a porn site, but this seemed to be the perfect opportunity to get my point across, and this seemed like an interesting debate. No one else is pointing out the obvious sexism in anime these days, no it's not sexism, but it's borderline misogyny. Even most mainstream series like one piece, and fairy tail aren't spared from this surge of fanservice Hiro Mashimace. One piece especially seemed like a huge WTF, because of the fact that Oda can make great, and interesting female characters, but short-change them when it comes to the action, and fan-service. Even worse, fairy tail seemed to get the worst of it when it comes to gratuitous fan-service, and pretty much flipped of the large female fan-base the this series had. all i'm saying is that most female anime fans can't find a series to relate too because that atmosphere is so ingrained in misogyny, and perversity, that it's hard for them to get into it, thus only settling for yaoi esque series. Which in itself doesn't help the sexism issue. Do you see the problem?
Posted on 22 March 2013, 03:39 by:   yayh    PM
Score +43
Half these screens don't even seem to be all that ecchi, feels like padding for the gallery.

@DarKDragonite: I see where you are going, but I find the fact that you are commenting about fan-service ruining anime and creating a damaging expectation for women on a site pretty much dedicated to hentai fairly comical.
Posted on 20 October 2022, 12:49 by:   valis77    PM
Score +2
@DarKDragonite: if you think this is a problem then apparently you don't belong here. The last we need is you spouting out this type of nonsense. All i hear is you complaining about sexism in anime media. This isn't demeaning to woman at the slightest nor is it misogynist or sexist. You just have a problem with it because you are too "woke" because all you see is sexism and not "ART". If you really want to help, "ban porn all together" otherwise saying stuff like this falls on deaf ears so please stop talking like that. It makes you sound foolish and ignorant. We don't want you here.

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