Posted on 25 March 2013, 02:07 by:
sartan Score
Base +9, p187 +10, Rensune +7
Base +7, jimmykim13 +1, ralix2 -2, burritomunch3r -8, Ooe Kintarou +4
Base +23, Beane +12, savaris +7, Reias -8, ENHfaithful -4, marc455 +9, enyoeos -10, gohack +10, Tenchi Ryu +7, Dark Mac +17, atlascranga -6, aiwotorimodose +28, ex91 -10, and 17 more...
Posted on 25 March 2013, 08:23 by:
limc Score
Base +16, savaris +7, ENHfaithful +4, shitsucks +12, danixxx +35, enyoeos +10, Sancho_Panza +27, pervido +17, atlascranga +6, ex91 +10, blagblag +8, dragoon93041 +10, bagiaaa +11, and 12 more...
Base +2, Reias +8, NailB +20, SimpleError +9, aiwotorimodose +28, qazzy5 +17, Bloody_Rain +7, Rensune -7, Riyu1940 +7, sameo15 +5
Base +27, Reias +8, danixxx +35, enyoeos +10, Dark Mac -17, Corrlate +7, Argyle246 +2, looon +17, Rensune -7, Riyu1940 +7
Base +9, Tenchi Ryu +7, Rensune +7, ralix2 +2, Ooe Kintarou +4
Posted on 25 March 2013, 19:19 by:
Palaxius Score
Base +20
Posted on 26 March 2013, 07:49 by:
jlz Score
Base +10, DanRade +7, Rensune +7, Beane +7, Ooe Kintarou +4