Base +7, hey yo -4, Xephir -16, StillWind -14, atlascranga +6, GearZeroSky -10, DoggieDog -8, Dooderz -11, Curie -11, FJoker -7
Base +27, WBossFZ +12, wowoduend +5, Rakuko +8, project_arms -9, Huehue2 +8
Posted on 26 March 2013, 02:14 by:
Izlude99 Score
Base +8, rt2hot +6, ENHfaithful +4, Yossarian762 +7, Colliterz +9, WBossFZ +12, Vimmes +8, lisemer -9, Garadice +6, gandexf4 +7, Iron Clad Granite +8, atlascranga +6, k1bell +9, and 14 more...
Posted on 27 March 2013, 12:23 by:
bagiaaa Score
Base +11, kudo01 +8, gandexf4 +7, Iron Clad Granite +8, project_arms +9, Tomzai +7, Wilfriback +8, s14y3d +10, Huehue2 +8, Boneriffic +15, Elbowsmash -6, HallowedAtrain +6
Posted on 26 March 2013, 04:55 by:
Halja Score
Base +7, gandexf4 +7, roelling +6, Iron Clad Granite +8, atlascranga +6, danixxx +35, DDude8 +17, PUNCHING PEOPLE +6, Palaxius -20, JRockefeller +13, GearZeroSky +10, aiwotorimodose +28, NailB +20, and 16 more...
Base +5, stupid army +9, atlascranga +6, PUNCHING PEOPLE +6, Palaxius -20, Leo the Leo +7, GearZeroSky +10, eikzzz +7, krabs +7, NailB +20, Irrsinn +8, Amodelsino +7, s14y3d +10, and 20 more...
Base +1, Doctor Hello -4, GearZeroSky -10, superman89 +6, stupid army -9, Slartibartfast -11, Dooderz +11, Boneriffic -15, Curie -11, nigglypuff -4, FJoker -7, jere512 -6
Base +9, Huehue2 +8, Elbowsmash -6
Base +3, Inyouchufan -7, Doctor Hello -4, rpgman1 -23, GearZeroSky -10, DoggieDog -8, Boneriffic -15, Curie -11, FJoker -7, gansta -30
Posted on 26 June 2014, 10:30 by:
genyatus Score
Base +7, Elbowsmash +6, Maxlol -6, Gabygabycandid +6