Posted on 04 April 2013, 20:27 by:
Biladsan Score
Base +16, Second Dus +9, cjlaffe -14, Kite2.2 +4, someone9876 -15, mrweezyer -9, poonspoon +8, crazymagic -10, enyoeos +10, ExTe -28, Chinro -6, uzaidi -6, altereggo -19, and 5 more...
Posted on 04 April 2013, 20:33 by:
Qwertop Score
Base +7, Cisla +6, Second Dus +9, Kite2.2 +4, bogbrush +6, poonspoon -8, crazymagic +10, Stedman75 -13, Chinro +6, supermandffff +7, aaron_ +15, ExTe +28, hell yease +6, and 31 more...
Base +7, seriousham +8, lastcorn +9, Viktorious +1, eatlyh +7, mrweezyer -9, Long Hair Enjoyer -22, Master1138 +10, cjlaffe +14, Kite2.2 +4, marc455 +9, someone9876 -15, Octarine -6, and 58 more...
Base +7, mrweezyer +9, Viktorious -1, Long Hair Enjoyer +22, cjlaffe -14, ElementFD -26, autiskamen +8, someone9876 +15, cclover4 +2, Reaper01 +9, bogbrush +6, poonspoon -8, crazymagic +10, and 18 more...
Posted on 04 April 2013, 20:51 by:
TigerB Score
Base +2, Cisla -6, Viktorious +1, Eiri -17, mrweezyer -9, Long Hair Enjoyer -22, someone9876 -15, lawl1 -13, Chinro -6, Thot -26, Ozis Apoes -18, aaron_ -15, naarcissus -7, and 14 more...
Posted on 04 April 2013, 21:17 by:
Luffy225 Score
Base +5, poonspoon -8, crazymagic +10, Traze +7, altereggo -19, Tufao -7, White Joker -17, bombertroy -6, Newtypeswag +6, rotar zairo -10, zephyr_ +6, rebeccaclarke -4, tasmira -6
Posted on 04 April 2013, 21:26 by:
Shan0r Score
Base +12, Long Hair Enjoyer -22, cjlaffe +14, Kite2.2 +4, someone9876 -15, erdwutz +6, mrweezyer -9, poonspoon +8, crazymagic -10, enyoeos -10, lawl1 -13, Chinro -6, aaron_ -15, and 14 more...
Posted on 04 April 2013, 21:28 by:
Orcfri Score
Base +12, Ore wa Gundam +7, Kurdistan +3, poonspoon -8, crazymagic +10, Fusam +6, enyoeos +10, Chinro +6, vielendank11 +5, LuckyStar9432 +8, primeemu16 +7, mrweezyer -9, fishinsea +22, and 19 more...
Base +11, mrweezyer -9, poonspoon -8, crazymagic +10, enyoeos -10, Chinro -6, ExTe -28, altereggo +22, JukanX +22, MKAdo -6, Bastille -23, Tufao -7, White Joker -17, and 5 more...
Base +7, poonspoon -8, crazymagic +10, supermandffff +7, LuckyStar9432 +8, primeemu16 +7, altereggo +22, clad95 +9, mooplololol +8, xx195x +8, zabi +10, Marisa Kirisame +8, rjmacx +5, and 11 more...
Base +8, poonspoon -8, crazymagic +10, lansquenete -6, enyoeos -10, Pordama -10, ExTe -28, naarcissus -7, altereggo -22, Wakarimasen25 -5, clad95 -9, vDen -9, HannibalBarca -8, and 4 more...
Posted on 04 April 2013, 22:47 by:
LlamaKid Score
Base +9, enyoeos -10, ExTe -28, naarcissus -7, altereggo -22, cmos -8, HannibalBarca -8, generickitty -8, uzaidi -6, c556506 -4, BushyBrows -4, Kokonoe Rin -6, SeeMoore +5
Posted on 04 April 2013, 22:48 by:
Loccsta Score
Base +4, poonspoon -8, crazymagic +10, lansquenete +6, JRockefeller +13, enyoeos +10, Stedman75 -13, Ozis Apoes +18, supermandffff -7, NemesisBehemoth +12, LuckyStar9432 +8, altereggo +22, Zaeed +6, and 57 more...
Posted on 05 April 2013, 00:07 by:
faggotx Score
Base +6, mrweezyer +9, altereggo +22, Long Hair Enjoyer +22, xx195x +8, irage88 +6, vDen +9, cjlaffe -12, BushyBrows +4, supergovs +6, uzaidi +11, rotar zairo +10, Goretanton +6
Base +7, Zakuzelo +7, Marisa Kirisame +8, Traze +5, supergovs +6
Posted on 05 April 2013, 00:15 by:
ayaaaaa Score
Base +9, Ringnes +10, naarcissus +7, Qtzctl -6, Natsam -11, altereggo +22, apotropaic -5, Wipo +9, Franka +12, Satyre +10, clad95 +9, bomz +7, lapan +10, and 25 more...
Base +9, positiveguy +11, Nonamewalker +5, Zakuzelo +7, Traze +7, altereggo -19, Legojack +5, aaaaaaaaaasdfasdf +7, robrobrobrob -6, Echo2027 -3, somercet +5, supergovs +6, LqdSqd +2, and 3 more...
Base +28, vielendank11 +5, LuckyStar9432 +8, fishinsea +22, jolls6577 +12, marc455 +9, altereggo -22, tcvds +7, BonneTron +8, Fleegman +9, apotropaic +5, anon23 +7, mooplololol -8, and 12 more...
Posted on 05 April 2013, 02:10 by:
KFX Score
Base +9, altereggo +22, oracle135 +8, GhostStalker +7, mooplololol +8, Bamioum +7, Lippe +10, m42a +18, vDen +9, Lens +8, Izulath +7, aaaaaaaaaasdfasdf +7, BushyBrows +4, and 7 more...
Posted on 05 April 2013, 02:21 by:
Ventorez Score
Base +8, Chinro -6, Bastille -23, uzaidi -6, altereggo -19, Echo2027 -3, Kokonoe Rin -6, rotar zairo -10, rebeccaclarke -4, zephyr_ +6, Goretanton -6
Posted on 05 April 2013, 05:11 by:
Hezard Score
Base +8, Traze +7, supergovs +6, Goretanton -6
Posted on 05 April 2013, 10:48 by:
Conkers Score
Base +7, Nonamewalker +5, vDen +9, Traze +7, altereggo -19, supergovs +6, rotar zairo -10, rebeccaclarke -4, Goretanton -6, tasmira -6
Base +9, altereggo +19, supergovs +6, Newtypeswag +6
Posted on 05 April 2013, 22:43 by:
Asusnyan Score
Base +7, MKAdo +6, mooplololol +8, xx195x +8, Bamioum +7, Millennial +9, altereggo +19, lamaig +9, Xanderj +6, AncientPhoenix +7, Kuwabara42 +8, aaaaaaaaaasdfasdf +7, Iroald +5, and 3 more...
Base +8, xx195x +8, Zakuzelo -7, Millennial +9, altereggo +19, lamaig +9, Traze -5, Haj3 -5, catBARON +4, Iroald +5, uzaidi +11, rotar zairo +10
Posted on 08 April 2013, 12:55 by:
wtfuta Score
Base +7, Zakuzelo -7, KVL1881 +9, Frostbite -22, Tenshoku -13, cmos -8, generickitty -8, uzaidi -6, altereggo -19, c556506 -4, BushyBrows -4, Kokonoe Rin -6, rotar zairo -10, and 4 more...
Base +4, Frostbite -22, Tenshoku -13, generickitty -8, uzaidi -6, altereggo -19, BushyBrows -4, Kokonoe Rin -6, rotar zairo -10, rebeccaclarke -4, zephyr_ +6
Posted on 11 April 2013, 10:59 by:
C.O Score
Base +2, Frostbite -22, uzaidi -6, White Joker -17, Kokonoe Rin -6, freakyshotafreak -6, rotar zairo -10, zephyr_ +6, Goretanton -6
Base +10, Marisa Kirisame +8, vDen +9, Traze +7, cjlaffe -12, nehmyncolad +7, robrobrobrob +6, supergovs +6, uzaidi +11, rotar zairo +10
Base +6, c556506 -4, Traze +5, Haj3 +5, Anonimuel +9, supergovs +6, rotar zairo -10, Goretanton -6, bypasspanda +6, robrobrobrob -6, tasmira -6
Base +5, catBARON +4, supergovs +6, Iroald +6, uzaidi +11, kedrin3 +4, bypasspanda +6
Posted on 04 May 2023, 19:01 by:
Haatty Score
Base +6