Posted on 05 April 2013, 17:55 by:
M. Bison Score
Base +7, madsaint +6, WarHero +10, e6000 +7, Raift +8, fishinsea +22, OShoranO +7, xqw +14, uzaidi +5, kojoto +4, subbesnubben +6, Pinkie +12, George642 +8, and 2 more...
Posted on 05 April 2013, 18:49 by:
beamwire Score
Base +9, e6000 +7, Raift -8, KillerCLbee +5, benana1 -6, mh3gshow +3, Greigor +6, subbesnubben +6, Pinkie +12, malikski -2, moeeno -4, George642 +9, hebelele +6, and 1 more...