Posted on 11 April 2013, 05:48 by:
l337t3r Base +5, Dex164 +7, Azul7 +7, Narutodiaz +9, Zeloso +8, Zero Angel +38, AsuraZero +10, Leviathan +14, airhead +15, udizzle +4, sandyface +12, bondmata +8, dakight +10, and 132 more...
Base +1, tormagnum -9, Capi duffman -14, MoonShine -9, eotaku42 -7, vDen -9, blunt005 -6, CarmeloAnthony -6, minnazzo +20
Base +27, airhead +15, tormagnum +9, dirtyhairry +17, HankFromHell -5, Guestoid +9, HodorHodor +6, NailB +20, TylerWolf +7, Anony12788 +13, ridvid1313 +4, pervido +18, LuckyStar9432 +8, and 39 more...
Base +7, Guestoid +9, TylerWolf +7, Flaphinfluff +7, AncientPhoenix +8, Cha0sC0ntr0l +9, Maguswaffy +7, Cessc -6, Ilia_ +10, Xenon +12, nothingness +8, drakejr23 +10, m42a +19, and 40 more...
Posted on 11 April 2013, 11:45 by:
zukuenft Score
Base +13, blunt005 -6, AsuraZero +6
Posted on 11 April 2013, 12:48 by:
derpslag Score
Base +5, politas +8, TylerWolf +7, dersied -10
Base +1, TylerWolf +7, falker36 +9, blunt005 +6, minnazzo +20
Posted on 11 April 2013, 18:49 by:
ZhaneX Score
Base +10, TylerWolf +7, Anony12788 +13, Nekohunter33 -1, BlickWinkel +9, LoneHero33 +10, Tenchi Ryu -7, roelling +6, GeneralSky +6, Maguswaffy +7, vastolordzen +6, Cessc +6, Kanti-kunj +9, and 31 more...
Posted on 19 April 2013, 01:58 by:
Satyre Score
Base +10, Nekohunter33 +1, BlickWinkel -9, l337t3r -8, Granten +11, Cessc -6, IntarwebzFTW -7, crazymagic -10, Xenon -12, Palaxius +20, Linksaver -6, roberts123 -4, eotaku42 -7, and 6 more...
Base +5, Maguswaffy +7, Palaxius +20, remic123 +7, JSTLLWLL +6, gstxtd -2, who71 +11, blunt005 +6, Riyu1940 +7, necrosis527 +8, bowzie +6, dersied -10, minnazzo +20
Base +6, ZethValentine -7, blunt005 -6, dersied +10
Posted on 12 April 2013, 05:05 by:
OcinMeno Score
Base +8, ZethValentine -7, blunt005 +6
Base +7, Maguswaffy +7, Palaxius -20, Nanaya Kawashima -6, eotaku42 -7, ZethValentine -7, blunt005 +6, CarmeloAnthony -6, na-mi-da -4, AsuraZero +6, dersied -10
Posted on 14 April 2013, 07:59 by:
Zellmer Score
Base +19, ZethValentine -7, blunt005 +6, AsuraZero +6
Posted on 14 April 2013, 16:07 by:
aarcane Score
Base +5, Ilia_ +10, Xenon +12, nothingness +8, remic123 +7, Ficfactor +9, vDen +9, falker36 +9, Cessc +5, blunt005 +6, robedob22 +6, Blaze_fire +7, LordDratsab +6, and 13 more...
Base +7, Linksaver -6, galaxymaster10 -9, Nanaya Kawashima -6, eotaku42 -7, blunt005 -6, CarmeloAnthony -6, neckbreak -9, Jo Umero +6, rorschachsface +8, bowzie -6, Shakenbytheviolence +6
Posted on 11 June 2015, 14:27 by:
amuass Score
Base +7, necrosis527 +8, sanduichedosul +7, AsuraZero +6, minnazzo +20