Base +6, ExecutorBill +12, loc0 +8, raz_naught +7, ooups +9, prelien23 +7, Zyrden +7, Surly1212 -4, losting +9, sjow +7, hizack123 +6, adrewtc +7
Base +7, nutspea +11, ExecutorBill +12, kaluak +10, somecoolname +8, Sephus +7, cawkward +9, user777 +9
Base +5, nutspea -11, darkerdrick +7, ziom236 -7, Zorlock -7, Gul -9, Surly1212 -4
Posted on 20 April 2013, 03:20 by:
Amajik Score
Base +7, Zero_Hawk +13, The Hollow Reaper +7, loc0 -8, Shadowgaia13 +8, Krylanceo +6, Surly1212 -4, ClawManV3 +7, liberius +8, hizack123 +6, JohnnyFunBoy +5
Base +7, The Hollow Reaper +7, Gul +9, Surly1212 -4, liberius +8, ziggyb +6
Posted on 20 April 2013, 03:57 by:
drillbit Score
Base +6, darkerdrick -7, ziom236 -7, slumps +2, Sephus -7, Zorlock +7, Gul -9, Laufeia -5, Surly1212 -4, Shiro-Yasha -6, Dooderz -8
Base +9, dacoolman -9, Sephus -7, Shadowgaia13 -8, BlackSummer +9, Estuine -8, kubasanus +6, Surly1212 -4, croutoncrusader +1, venelin234 -1
Base +10, loc0 +8, The Hollow Reaper +7, Vol.13 +8, Surly1212 -4, liberius +8, Zararoc +9, hizack123 +6
Posted on 20 April 2013, 06:26 by:
Frenchy Score
Base +8, Kerkes -8, darkerdrick -7, ziom236 -7, Sephus -7, Surly1212 -4, Dooderz +8, hizack123 -6
Posted on 20 April 2013, 07:53 by:
eatlyh Score
Base +7, Gul +9, Surly1212 -4
Base +7, Shadowgaia13 -8, BlackSummer +9, AN1337 -7, Surly1212 -4, Yfronus -6, venelin234 -1
Posted on 25 April 2013, 22:37 by:
jaba01 Score
Base +9, playerx234 -8, Estuine -8, Dooderz +11, lokied -5, Kold -8, Zyrden +7, Breeekachu +2, Surly1212 +4, croutoncrusader -1, apzx -6, Shiro-Yasha +6, deaddude -6, and 2 more...
Posted on 25 April 2013, 03:54 by:
Futaf4n Score
Base +10, Surly1212 -4, Dooderz -10, croutoncrusader +1, apzx +6, Shiro-Yasha -6, vmlwhxbh +6, MilfHunterCougar69 +4
Base +9, Surly1212 -4, ziggyb +6, hizack123 +6
Posted on 10 June 2014, 18:54 by:
Baracchi Score
Base +2