Posted on 29 April 2013, 23:14 by:
Koroshi Score
Base +6, Anonimus07 +13, smillz999 +10, Captian Katsura +6, randomname12131412 +7, petalferrous +15, Abuelito -1, Refon_S +14, Bomb Square +8, tentacle-man61 +20, xBeowolfx +9, Flan-chan +5, xerorushbluh +4, and 4 more...
Base +9, Dan75 +10, Abuelito -1, tentacle-man61 +20, xBeowolfx +9, Flan-chan +5, The Inker -9, Hyoros +8, cm4000 +6
Posted on 01 May 2013, 09:04 by:
lolzord Score
Base +11, Abuelito -1, Bomb Square +8, tentacle-man61 -20, xBeowolfx -9
Base +8, Zelinko +8, cm4000 +6