Posted on 29 April 2013, 17:47 by:
Demiroth Score
Base +9, Maximum_Joe +35, soifonfan15 +7, neckbreak +12, errata +8, hermit20 +8, blakfayt +17, pristinalade +6, jevergreen +6, thenick2000 +6, Kiranta -6, Docs Butterfingers +2
Base +2, soifonfan15 +7, spuget +8, stinger919 +7, Moro_san +8, Zeloso +8, Onimaru89 +6, silverhand21 +4, errata +8, Randomthrill +9, Jurci +9, blakfayt +17, pristinalade +6, and 2 more...
Base +7, soifonfan15 +7, spuget +8, stinger919 +7, FinalixerX +14, westlander +5, cowfucker10 +7, MapleSyrup +8, herpherpherp +5, Zeloso +8, neoshingundam +9, Onimaru89 +6, Kootiebirdo +7, and 17 more...
Base +14, Moro_san +8, MapleSyrup +8, herpherpherp +5, Seelenmord +9
Base +11, Jurci -9, Seelenmord +9, blakfayt +17, theboredotaku -7
Base +7, Jurci +9, Seelenmord -9, silverhand21 -4, blakfayt -17, theboredotaku +6, repatch +6
Posted on 01 May 2013, 17:39 by:
Striborg Score
Base +7, jzohach +7, Seelenmord -9, silverhand21 -4, Jurci -9, Maximum_Joe -39, blakfayt -17
Base +8, xenophone +12, Seelenmord +9, nigipep +5, blakfayt -17, thenick2000 +6, theboredotaku +6, litinium +10, Smasher7 +5
Posted on 02 May 2013, 13:57 by:
Base +9, Seelenmord -9, Jurci -9, silverhand21 +4, all41 +6, smoothly +6, pristinalade +6, thenick2000 -6, theboredotaku +6, avidgamer +7, RiddleMethis996 +6, MindForge +5, Smasher7 +5
Base +9, Seelenmord -9, silverhand21 +4, Jurci -9, all41 +6, theboredotaku +6
Base +11, Jurci -9, blakfayt -17, Spheral +6, pristinalade +6, theboredotaku +7
Base +7, Ganein +7, Docs Butterfingers +2, Smasher7 +5, theboredotaku +7
Base +1, thenick2000 +6, DeaDGoDXIV -6
Base +6, AngelicLayer +10