Posted on 02 May 2013, 19:09 by:
lawl1 Base +11, chinchilla -8, Zero Angel +38, Gigano_Reis +4, jzohach +7, Mr C -9, Nexev +7, liberius +8, IvanZ +6, Thot +26, danixxx +35, qwaszxopklnm +9, Homerii -1, and 95 more...
Base +9, Zero Angel +38, Gigano_Reis +4, NailB +20, Mr C -9, Atmoz +6, Gitami +14, poep +9, fishinsea +22, Maxsteele +8, RaspberyAki10 +7, Gelus +16, Mitsutsubo +8, and 22 more...
Posted on 07 May 2013, 18:37 by:
25toLife Score
Base +13, Mr C -9, Whiplash +9, liberius +8, DDude8 +17, poep -9, johnnytrone -4, fishinsea +22, Maxsteele +8, Arrys -15, Orcfri +12, Zr44d -14, plahplah +6, and 22 more...
Posted on 07 May 2013, 18:41 by:
urawa Score
Base +6, DCFulano +20, insorum +6, Mr C -9, Gitami +14, Dark Mac -17, Maxsteele +8, lansquenete +8
Posted on 07 May 2013, 19:44 by:
adlimori Score
Base +14, Maxsteele +8, kiyokiyokiyoo -4, Humbard +10, m42a +17, nasenbein +3, forvea +9, dnbdave +9, Crimsoncharcoal +7, aliolisasha -3, lansquenete +8, RefinedFapper +4, Afriiya_Mendes +2
Base +9, IvanZ +6, Dark Mac -17, Masterbot +9, poep -9, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, Maxsteele +8, Nekohunter33 +1, spr33 -12, kiyokiyokiyoo -4, Negative Man -12, Lird +6, Actorclavilis -7, and 15 more...
Base +10, Merubin +10, poep -9, Maxsteele +8, Mitsutsubo +8, Nekohunter33 +1, kiyokiyokiyoo -4, lolzord +11, AloofSloth +9, randomperson1 +7, xDraygon +3, forvea +9, Crimsoncharcoal +7, and 5 more...
Posted on 07 May 2013, 21:56 by:
jhlbjaaa Score
Base +7, lawl1 +13, Maxsteele +8, huipizdagovno +6, Actorclavilis +7, Crimsoncharcoal +7, 20200 +28, plester +4, AGoodTime +6, Viktorious +5, Gil T. Pleizure +6, Vezirw +6, sweetpotato +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 07 May 2013, 22:50 by:
Jaques Score
Base +12, Maxsteele +8, Negative Man +12, lansquenete -8, Gil T. Pleizure +6, Boy Maiden +6, Afriiya_Mendes +2
Posted on 07 May 2013, 23:16 by:
Trips Score
Base +16, Maxsteele +8, lolzord +11, tomato86 +12, randomperson1 +7, xDraygon +3, forvea +9, dnbdave +9, Crimsoncharcoal +7, JSG16 +8, lansquenete +8, Viktorious +5, kennethb118 +5, and 8 more...
Base +7, Sibushang +4, Maxsteele +8, Mitsutsubo +8, Nekohunter33 +1, kiyokiyokiyoo +4, lolzord +11, JashinSlayer +10, opem +4, Actorclavilis +7, truefire +8, randomperson1 +7, Sentiment +7, and 13 more...
Base +21, Maxsteele +8, Archiepiscopus +8, Afriiya_Mendes +2
Posted on 08 May 2013, 02:05 by:
MrSpike Score
Base +7, Maxsteele +8, Mitsutsubo +8, George642 +9, kiyokiyokiyoo -4, iamclu +7, aliolisasha +3, lansquenete +8, mutag3ne +6, Vezirw +6, Boy Maiden +6, Afriiya_Mendes +2
Base +7, George642 +9, Actorclavilis +7, Gil T. Pleizure +6, Afriiya_Mendes +2
Base +9, Actorclavilis -7, Marisa Kirisame -8, Maxsteele -8, iamclu +7, Denjiro -9, aliolisasha -3, Afriiya_Mendes -2
Base +8, poep -9, Actorclavilis -7, Marisa Kirisame -8, Maxsteele -8, iamclu +7, stupid army +10, Denjiro -9, aliolisasha -3, Afriiya_Mendes -2
Base +9, lolzord +11, Marisa Kirisame +8, Maxsteele +8, iamclu +7, randomperson1 +7, sigma25 +7, stupid army +10, Seiguld +7, Vezirw +6, Boy Maiden +6, Afriiya_Mendes +2
Base +2, poep -9, Marisa Kirisame -8, Maxsteele -8, CaptainKuro -7, Denjiro -9, lansquenete +8, Ayylmao123 -3, Afriiya_Mendes -2
Base +12, kiyokiyokiyoo -4, Actorclavilis -7, Marisa Kirisame -8, Maxsteele -8, CaptainKuro -7, 20200 -24, Denjiro -9, Afriiya_Mendes -2
Base +6, Actorclavilis +7, nyp9IA -6, AloofSloth +9, Maxsteele +8, xDraygon +3, randomperson1 +7, iamclu +7, lansquenete +8, fillin +6, Yamato-san +9, Viktorious +5, Vezirw +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 25 June 2013, 22:17 by:
ralanr Score
Base +7, Maxsteele +8, forvea -9, iamclu +7, Boy Maiden +6
Posted on 21 August 2013, 08:14 by:
Dentik Score
Base +1, forvea -9, iamclu +7, aliolisasha +3, mondozappa +4, Gorgorutos +5, Dargadon +6, Raift +6, mutag3ne +6, Vezirw +6, Zolnerowich +7, Ost666 +5, Progeusz +8, and 2 more...
Base +2, 20200 -28, trotrotro -4, CaptainKuro -6, Denjiro -9, mondozappa -4, Gorgorutos -5, biscardone -5, Palaxius +33, Zerotation -6, ihaveentered -8, Vezirw -6, Ro Koji -15, and 2 more...
Posted on 18 December 2015, 02:26 by:
Biodeamon Score
Base +7, Vezirw +6, Zolnerowich +7, Ost666 +5, Progeusz +8, Boy Maiden +6, somercet +12, Afriiya_Mendes +2
Posted on 26 July 2016, 18:17 by:
lyght Score
Base +5, BlueAlkaiser +5
Base +8, Boy Maiden +6, Afriiya_Mendes +2
Last edited on 13 August 2017, 21:18.
Base +40, somercet +7, Kei A. +7, Boy Maiden +6, Afriiya_Mendes +2, Rutho +6
Posted on 09 June 2017, 06:16 by:
XFilter Score
Base +8, Boy Maiden +6, somercet +12, Afriiya_Mendes +2
Last edited on 11 February 2019, 21:42.
Base +7, GoldPilot +3, Boy Maiden +6, somercet +12, Afriiya_Mendes +2