Base +8, Satoshi。。。 +16, Zero Angel +38, Anony12788 +13, Nights002 +7, ShadowJ +5, Zicth +9, Orrin_Daralki +7, bucket90 +5, blindWarlock +6, Duckbuster +7, MechWarriorNY +6, Nitramy +5, and 2 more...
Posted on 11 May 2013, 01:39 by:
shrurur Score
Base +8, Zero Angel +38, Anony12788 +13, Nights002 +7, XFilter +8, Hecklion +9, Duckbuster +7, MechWarriorNY +6, painis.cupcake -6, JYRIN +6
Posted on 11 May 2013, 01:44 by:
4dawgz Score
Base +12, Moe Zayik +28, Lancelot01 +8, Satoshi。。。 +16, bagiaaa +11, Iron Clad Granite +8, Rakuko +8, Ashvinoth +8, Zero Angel +38, k1bell +9, Raika Azure +6, ohwellkun +5, yappers +10, and 30 more...
Base +10, Satoshi。。。 +16, Zero Angel +38, yappers +10, Anony12788 +13, Murderbot -9, nocacoco -7, bucket90 +5, Orrin_Daralki +7, blunt005 -8, Hecklion +9, blindWarlock +6, Duckbuster +7, and 4 more...
Posted on 11 May 2013, 03:01 by:
martyrlz Score
Base +6, Zero Angel +38, yappers +10, Anony12788 +13, Nights002 +7, chibidw +10, bucket90 +5, Orrin_Daralki +7, joseph joestar +15, blunt005 +8, blindWarlock +6, MechWarriorNY +6, Nitramy +5, and 3 more...
Base +8, Anony12788 +13, Nights002 +7, MechWarriorNY +6, robertman2 +6, Nitramy +5, andre7 +8, painis.cupcake -6
Posted on 11 May 2013, 03:36 by:
Tae2 Score
Base +13, Zero Angel +38, Anony12788 +13, Nights002 +7, ShadowJ +5, nocacoco -7, bucket90 +5, MechWarriorNY +6
Base +4, MoonShine +9, Anony12788 +13, Nights002 +7, ShadowJ +5, Murderbot +9, Orrin_Daralki +7, blunt005 +8, Duckbuster +7, MechWarriorNY +6, Nitramy +5, ThanatosNebula76 +7, andre7 +8, and 1 more...
Posted on 11 May 2013, 09:32 by:
RaZor92 Score
Base +3, Anony12788 +13, ShadowJ +5, Iron Clad Granite +8, nocacoco -7, joseph joestar +15, nnnnnnnnaughteh +6, kannushi +6, Duckbuster +7, MechWarriorNY +6, Nitramy +5, Undeadcynic97 +3, Teh_Red_Guy +8, and 2 more...
Base +29, Anony12788 +13, ShadowJ +5, Iron Clad Granite +8, blunt005 +8, MechWarriorNY +6, ThanatosNebula76 +7, andre7 +8
Posted on 12 May 2013, 00:51 by:
anubix Score
Base +9, blunt005 +8, MechWarriorNY +6, Hyoros -15
Base +7, Murderbot +9, MechWarriorNY +6
Base +8, Hunter Nightblood +6, KoolaidMonstar353 +7, tj911 +5
Posted on 31 October 2014, 03:10 by:
DJ_Puchuu Score
Base +10
Posted on 04 March 2017, 14:54 by:
Hansuke Score
Base +7