here is my first gallery and my last because my Doomfond Art test was just a test. anyway here I have my remakes off those pictures and since then I have Improved so after my first 6 pictures will my new ones start but I still have more at sofurry and furaffinity to show. if you like my art go and visit my there. I will only upload my art there and newer again here. the only purpose in Why I uploaded this is because I want people to know that this art exists so my time spent to make them don't go to waste. And I don't care if you don't like it if you don't like it don't look at it and don't complain ether. because you don't hear my complaining about your Artwork.
There are a lot works uploaded here not meeting my expectations of art. So your works are not worse than anybody else. Actually, I like your dragons. Have fun drawing them and I hope that there are others liking it, too.
Base +29, ToniHD +10, doomfond +7, Commander Kickasss -6
Well, your art is not that bad. It's by no means GOOD, but there is definitely room for improvement with it. I'll freely admit that I'm not a great artist myself, and I try to take tips whenever I can. My suggestion would be to try and smooth out some of the lines, maybe some shading, and maybe use not as bright colors. I don't think your art is great, but it is by no means terrible.