Posted on 12 May 2013, 15:11 by:
JeffSob Score
Base +16, jeren_sky +12, Ton231 +8, weslderf222 +8, Zaeed +6, redbone +14, virgo2725 +1, jzohach +7, aiwotorimodose +28, Megaton +10, ENHfaithful +5, Kavr +6, Tr2n +10, and 8 more...
Posted on 12 May 2013, 15:19 by:
jozer Score
Base +10, jeren_sky +12, virgo2725 +1, oneiwonder +5, Captian Katsura -7, Myrmeleo +6
Base +9, user23845 +9, elololol +7, Lizardo +8, SCSS +11, jeren_sky +12, Ton231 +8, weslderf222 +8, Tamaki-Kousaka +11, panzercrust +8, virgo2725 +1, vatar17 +9, naarcissus +7, and 12 more...
Posted on 12 May 2013, 15:30 by:
Tarmo Score
Base +8, elololol +7, olimac +12, Predi12 +8, virgo2725 +1, jzohach +7, Owyn +7, Captian Katsura -7, Bazookaham +8, floobadeedoo +6
Base +9, jeren_sky +12, virgo2725 +1, Azura Meta +6, Captian Katsura +7
Base +13, elololol +7, darkrider1 +7, DCH268 +9, jeren_sky +12, mumei-chan +17, Ton231 +8, Onthorm +8, weslderf222 +8, maximusarg1982 +9, HungColt +10, Zaeed +6, TheRapture +9, and 48 more...
Posted on 12 May 2013, 16:04 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +8, hjhj210 -14, jeren_sky +12, virgo2725 +1, Azura Meta +6, Captian Katsura +7, Diagonal001 +2, gogogodzilla +8, Zolnerowich +7
Posted on 12 May 2013, 17:32 by:
Daniish Score
Base +8, jeren_sky +12, virgo2725 +1, Captian Katsura -7, gogogodzilla -8
Base +9, jeren_sky +12, virgo2725 +1, naarcissus +7, nameress +1, Naughtylusty +3, Captian Katsura +7, Jeanne d'Arc +30
Base +18, virgo2725 +1, nameress +1, exia45 +9, ENHfaithful +5, Tofu delivery +9, Tr2n +10, oneiwonder +5, Captian Katsura -7
Posted on 12 May 2013, 20:55 by:
Lhey Score
Base +6, the phantom limb +7, redbone +14, virgo2725 +1, naarcissus +7, Durecchi +6, nameress +1, Naughtylusty +3, aiwotorimodose +28, Flitski +4, Megaton +10, dickliker420 +8, Owyn +7, and 13 more...
Posted on 12 May 2013, 22:05 by:
Oddone2 Score
Base +7, darienkd +12, virgo2725 +1, exia45 +9, Captian Katsura -7, Zolnerowich +7
Base +12, virgo2725 +1, Kavr +6, Captian Katsura +7, Diagonal001 +2
Base +2, virgo2725 +1, Azura Meta +6, oneiwonder +5, Enki17 +10, Captian Katsura -7, Not somebody -6
Base +10, virgo2725 +1, openminded20 +8, Captian Katsura -7, Zolnerowich +7
Posted on 13 May 2013, 08:01 by:
Andate Score
Base +10, virgo2725 +1, nameress +1, Koropokuru +10, Azura Meta +6, Captian Katsura +7, Jeanne d'Arc +30, Zolnerowich +7, JukanX +26
Posted on 13 May 2013, 20:51 by:
Song Yu Score
Base +10, ijwtp -6, Captian Katsura -7, Not somebody -6, waltergeist -7, Zolnerowich -7
Posted on 14 May 2013, 17:34 by:
Seiguld Score
Base +10, Captian Katsura -7, Zolnerowich +7
Posted on 17 May 2013, 02:06 by:
FakeFx Score
Base +11, Samael1105 +7, Minstrelofmoria +6, Captian Katsura +6, Corvaillian +6
Posted on 25 May 2013, 16:37 by:
keradi01 Score
Base +4, oneiwonder +5, openminded20 +8, Captian Katsura +7, Jeanne d'Arc +30, Flameypyro +6, Zolnerowich +7
Base +9, Captian Katsura -7, Zolnerowich -7
Base +8, waltergeist -7, gogogodzilla -8
Posted on 03 January 2016, 16:51 by:
The Pie Score
Base +3, gogogodzilla +8, JukanX +27
Posted on 01 June 2017, 08:51 by:
mmch2020 Score
Base +3, Zolnerowich -7
Posted on 03 September 2017, 07:16 by:
Kotovsky Score
Base +6