Base +12, Dikastes +9, bohnonso +10, Kayra +11, runner555 +25, swordofice1 +8, DefteraMT +8, highenergyboy +10, ClariNerd +15, yakuri +8, ekngeighenb7816 +3, Owyn +7, Lemunz +5, and 16 more...
Posted on 15 May 2013, 18:55 by:
senfood Score
Base +9, yakuri +8, ekngeighenb7816 +3, Owyn +7, Arhimondex +7, YeaLikeThat +8, shimapandaa +1, NippleFire +10, Iroald +5, esteban_busdriver +2, randomguyhere +7, isno +6
Base +6, hatsue21 +7, Sha.Rikku +5, Otakufucku +6, aiwotorimodose +28, -=Lord=- +13, yakuri +8, ekngeighenb7816 -3, Owyn +7, Arhimondex +7, KouTenka +10, kiyokiyokiyoo +4, redronnet +6, and 13 more...
Base +11, yakuri +8, ekngeighenb7816 -3, Arhimondex +7, weigazod +8, Yukino Miyazawa +5
Base +7, cuteautism -5, ekngeighenb7816 +3
Base +5, ekngeighenb7816 +3, Arhimondex +7, kiyokiyokiyoo +4, shimapandaa +1, crazyinsaneanimefan +6, Iroald +5, AGoodTime +7, Zerotation +6, isno +6
Posted on 16 May 2013, 10:26 by:
_Silence Score
Base +6, ekngeighenb7816 -3, Azraelgt -19, anony313 -5, Frystix -6, Gyberous -7
Posted on 16 May 2013, 13:50 by:
ExZon Score
Base +4, ekngeighenb7816 -3, anony313 -5, hurz41 +3, kiyokiyokiyoo -4, Frystix -6, yearhyearh -7, Zerotation -6, isno +6, Gyberous -7
Posted on 22 May 2013, 06:45 by:
GGS Score
Base +8, kiyokiyokiyoo +4, lilosam +4, yearhyearh +7, Jot18 +3, isno +6, Gyberous +7, Zwielichtskatze +7
Posted on 12 June 2013, 03:25 by:
Joxepe Score
Base +8, shimapandaa +1, weigazod +8, yearhyearh +7, randomguyhere +7, Gyberous +7, Zwielichtskatze +7
Base +5, randomguyhere +7
Base +9, Listopad +6, weigazod +8, yearhyearh +7, randomguyhere +7, AGoodTime -7, isno +6
Posted on 20 August 2024, 16:28 by:
my miku Score
Base +5