Base +9, MilkmanDan +5, SaittaMicus +10, lordofevilcr +8, slayergod +2, hamlord -1, savaris +1, JDaniels +7, defaultuser -4, moniker22 +5, krookedkon +1, ddragonn +1, redsazabi +5, and 78 more...
Posted on 25 January 2011, 22:06 by:
Jo Umero Score
Base +1, lordofevilcr +8, hamlord -1, Tesxy -9, ddragonn -1, Nashrakh -12, Diegox223 -3, ge hentai -21, shinobioli -11, antikv -7, sentrin -9, Sinon Granaxia -9, Numinor -17, and 4 more...
Posted on 26 January 2011, 03:32 by:
gurotaku Score
Base +3, JDaniels +7, defaultuser -4, ddragonn -1, Velcrostraps +9, Nashrakh +12, Diegox223 +3, Giono +8, nowhere_man -8, ge hentai +21, Ace-Angel -7, onurbis +10, blcksheep1 +3, and 43 more...
Base +4, redreader -4, hamlord -1, Tesxy -9, Drunkenhaze -6, JDaniels -7, MilkmanDan +5, PrivateEyes -5, Shadow_771 -7, spleenjuice -5, ddragonn -1, Velcrostraps -9, Natael -6, and 15 more...
Base +8, hamlord +1, Drunkenhaze +6, JDaniels +7, MilkmanDan -5, nuditry -4, kazeno88 +5, Lopunny -4, KES +8, PrivateEyes +5, massa +5, defaultuser +4, ddragonn +1, and 141 more...
Base +1, Drunkenhaze +6, Lopunny -4, ddragonn -1, peanuts +7, Nashrakh +12, Diegox223 +3, nowhere_man -8, ge hentai +21, onurbis +10, blcksheep1 +3, antikv +7, tracker66 -6, and 19 more...
Base +9, moniker22 -5, ddragonn -1, peanuts +7, Diegox223 -3, nowhere_man +8, ge hentai +21, SaittaMicus -14, enziro +6, Numinor +17, jaredcesc -7, Preetine -1, Tesxy -22, and 7 more...
Base +4, defaultuser -4, ddragonn -1, Velcrostraps +9, Nashrakh -12, Diegox223 -3, ge hentai -21, shinobioli -11, antikv -7, grandy -8, tracker66 +6, sentrin -9, Sinon Granaxia -9, and 6 more...
Posted on 01 February 2011, 12:04 by:
m8tav0id Score
Base +7, ddragonn +1, Kuba Nightfield +6, Nashrakh -12, Diegox223 +3, Giono +8, nowhere_man +8, ge hentai +21, Ace-Angel +7, nww +4, blcksheep1 +3, Cemer +1, Demonarium +9, and 95 more...
Base +6, Diegox223 +3, ge hentai +21, blcksheep1 +3, sentrin +9, SaittaMicus -14, enziro -6, The Naughty Shrink +9, mirukku +8, Numinor +17, Samm91 +5, danixxx +30, Adraemmellech +6, and 11 more...
Posted on 26 November 2011, 04:53 by:
Xiandora Score
Base +13, SaittaMicus +14, Numinor +17, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, cochrane +9, Iroald +6, AdmiralCrunch +6
Base +7, higha -6, 6sic5 -6, Sinon Granaxia -9, Numinor -17, danixxx -30, SaittaMicus +18, Moku +10, Anus Nightmare -5, dexetus -6, Himmelreich -6, dante422 -6
Posted on 26 November 2011, 06:55 by:
Mister H Score
Base +2, Numinor +17, Preetine -1, sradu86 -6, SaittaMicus +18, Not Important +7, Moku +10, NamelessFace -10, Lord Dashwood +7, tonyxxx -5, Etic -4, Anus Nightmare -5, Himmelreich -6, and 17 more...
Posted on 26 November 2011, 07:17 by:
hydrocity Score
Base +8, SaittaMicus +14, cjmonkey +8, enziro +6, Voltmetre +5, Numinor +17, hansburger +9, danixxx +30, CoolStoryBroz +7, KCzz15 +18, Preetine +1, Gunnal +5, Trevane +6, and 25 more...
Posted on 26 November 2011, 09:48 by:
Exergys Score
Base +6, Numinor +17, SaittaMicus -18, Not Important -7, Moku -10, Savvic -10, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, Dizzynikki -6, Aragask -13, brotherdudejack -5
Posted on 26 November 2011, 10:24 by:
Lantus Score
Base +9, SaittaMicus +14, enziro +6, Numinor +17, clad95 +8, shinobioli +13, Preetine +1, NamelessFace -10, astray_flame +21, Anus Nightmare -5, Whatdo +6, dante422 -6, Dizzynikki +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 26 November 2011, 11:02 by:
alastor10 Score
Base +8, Numinor +17, Preetine -1, SaittaMicus +18, NamelessFace +10, astray_flame +21, tonyxxx -5, Piyokopyo -6, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, Zufallx -6, dickmastersona2 -6
Posted on 26 November 2011, 20:52 by:
Piticli Score
Base +6, Numinor +17, Preetine -1, SaittaMicus -18, Moku -10, ToniHD +9, tonyxxx +5, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, Loki 420 +8, AdmiralCrunch +6, ClemJohn2 +6
Base +7, Numinor +17, Moku -10, toravisu -10, Etic -4, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, HannibalBarca -7, Dizzynikki -6, SciFiMisc -4, Andreas98 -6, brotherdudejack +5, Quenthell -6, and 2 more...
Base +4, Numinor +17, Preetine -1, Tesxy -22, Zarx +10, SaittaMicus -18, razziel +11, hamlord +7, Moku -10, SdKfzzz +8, tonyxxx +5, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, and 5 more...
Base +3, Numinor +17, Preetine -1, NamelessFace +10, Anus Nightmare -5, thequack1212 +6, dante422 -6
Base +2, Numinor +17, Preetine -1, Not Important +7, Moku +10, NamelessFace -10, astray_flame +21, tonyxxx -5, toravisu -10, marki-t +2, Anus Nightmare -5, thequack1212 -6, Himmelreich -6, and 8 more...
Posted on 11 February 2012, 02:26 by:
kkggbb Score
Base +5, Numinor +17, alternativ +8, Preetine +1, Gunnal +5, Extrema +5, nww +7, Moku +10, SiMBAiMBA +4, NamelessFace -10, astray_flame +21, chezburger +1, tonyxxx -5, and 11 more...
Base +15, Numinor +17, Preetine -1, Moku -10, NamelessFace -10, tonyxxx -5, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, Aragask -13
Posted on 10 June 2012, 02:26 by:
volkodav Score
Base +9, Preetine -1, Moku +10, astray_flame +21, tonyxxx -5, poirepomme +5, Anus Nightmare -5, thequack1212 -6, dante422 -6, HannibalBarca +7, Loki 420 +8, EkulNosnevets +9, brotherdudejack +5, and 1 more...
Base +6, sradu86 +6, SaittaMicus -18, hamlord +7, Moku -10, ToniHD +9, tonyxxx +5, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, Victor DoUrden +11, EkulNosnevets -9, Iroald +6, Zxaen +5
Posted on 10 June 2012, 05:49 by:
Aznfate Score
Base +9, Preetine -1, SaittaMicus +18, kingzigzag +7, Moku +10, NamelessFace +10, astray_flame +21, musdy +6, ToniHD -9, tonyxxx -5, marki-t +2, Lopunny +8, HFalx +9, and 11 more...
Base +7, Preetine -1, SaittaMicus +18, Moku +10, NamelessFace -10, tonyxxx +5, toravisu -10, marki-t +2, Etic -4, The Inker -7, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, yukkurikeeper -5, and 5 more...
Posted on 31 December 2012, 13:39 by:
Shinji Ex Score
Base +9, Preetine -1, SaittaMicus +18, Not Important +7, Moku +10, NamelessFace -10, astray_flame +21, tonyxxx -5, marki-t +2, Etic -4, Lopunny +8, futaskank +2, Piyokopyo -6, and 12 more...
Base +9, astray_flame +21, CARAGE +7, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, Victor DoUrden +11, Mantislurker +1, Neverknown7 +5
Base +1, SaittaMicus -18, Huehue2 -8, Moku -10, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, Iroald +6, brotherdudejack +5, Zxaen +5
Base +2, SaittaMicus -18, GGS +8, Moku -10, nothingness +8, ToniHD -9, tonyxxx +5, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, EkulNosnevets -9, Iroald +6, brotherdudejack +5, Zxaen +5
Posted on 24 May 2013, 22:15 by:
ranwolf Score
Base +8, astray_flame +21, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, Victor DoUrden +11, Mantislurker +1, Zxaen -5, Neverknown7 +5, ClemJohn2 +6
Base +2, marki-t -2, Etic -4, Anus Nightmare +5, dante422 -6, Iroald +6
Posted on 25 May 2013, 09:32 by:
atwsite Score
Base +8, marki-t +2, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, Victor DoUrden +11
Base +5, tonyxxx +5, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, Victor DoUrden +11
Posted on 26 May 2013, 06:32 by:
firi121 Score
Base +1, Anus Nightmare -5, dante422 -6, Victor DoUrden +11, Neverknown7 +5, ClemJohn2 +6
Base +9, tonyxxx -5, futaskank +2, Anus Nightmare -5, Natael -6, Himmelreich -6, dante422 -6, kaneqc +3, hamlord -6, Victor DoUrden +11, Mantislurker +1, SciFiMisc -4, Iroald -6, and 7 more...
Base +1, tonyxxx +5, Anus Nightmare -5, Etic +4, dante422 -6, Victor DoUrden -11, Mantislurker -1, vladdyvostok +6, EkulNosnevets -9, Iroald +6, brotherdudejack +5, Zufallx +6, Garth Moran +6
Base +10, Anus Nightmare -5, LustLord +8, dante422 -6, yukkurikeeper -5, Victor DoUrden +11, Loki 420 +8, Mantislurker +1, EkulNosnevets +9
Base +2, shuntensatsu +10, thequack1212 +6, dante422 -6, yukkurikeeper +5, Victor DoUrden +11, Mantislurker +1, EkulNosnevets +9
Posted on 26 February 2015, 01:22 by:
ken59 Score
Base +1, Loki 420 +8, EkulNosnevets +9, dickmastersona2 -6, ClemJohn2 -6
Base +1, EkulNosnevets -9, Zxaen +5, kikimaru024 -18, dickmastersona2 +6
Base +2, Zxaen +5, dickmastersona2 +6, StormofGreed +6, blabbo +6, symphonia56 +7, ClemJohn2 +6
Base +6, Zxaen +5, shuntensatsu +15, StormofGreed +6, ClemJohn2 +6, Garth Moran +6
Posted on 06 May 2021, 13:50 by:
donroke Score
Base +6
Base +4, StormofGreed -6, somercet -12, Gamerhorst -10, Garth Moran -6