Well this is my first "experiment" on scanning, open up for suggestions. I tried every way to scan it without breaking this old, rare copy, before I realized that I maybe need a Canon EOS 7DMark :( Knowing that, desperately, I sent this copy into my microwave oven in the end...
I'll probably "cook" the other novels and mangas in the future in order to flatten and scan them. What I need to know, is there any special technique on scanning to make them better, and how do you re-ensemble the books after that.
info on mugi: http://doujinshi.mugimugi.org/book/247102/
no digital version of this book yet, and probably will not be one in the future, for its release date of 2000, however you can still get a physical copy: http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4896370104