Base +7, AnimeLUZ +4, Uroboe +7, Maxsteele +8, stupid army -9, Dividedbyzero -12, sigma25 +6, GearZeroSky -9, bibliomaniac -9, Pikawil +9, Lolilolipedo -4, rjimenez666 +2, lopopa39 -3, and 7 more...
Posted on 02 June 2013, 21:00 by:
NailB Score
Base +15, LittleWhiteButterflies +14, Maxsteele +8, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Posted on 02 June 2013, 23:07 by:
turbost Score
Base +10, AnimeLUZ +4, PipBoy +10, LittleWhiteButterflies +14, Hezard +8, Maxsteele +8, zaebal2 +5, aiwotorimodose +21, nowittycomment +8, ExZeroRabbit +3, lopopa39 +3, MaulanaMuhammad +6, akunoko -28, and 1 more...
Posted on 03 June 2013, 01:27 by:
Kevadu Score
Base +6, Maxsteele +8, xiefu +20, Raichoul +9, zaebal2 +5, m42a +17, aiwotorimodose +21, da3monata +8, Padappa +13, scrappy135 +8, bibliomaniac +9, draconian196 +12, lunaracial +9, and 10 more...
Base +9, notnarcolepsy +5, Palaxius -18, stupid army -9, nepomuk +6, scrappy135 +8, GearZeroSky -9, Lolilolipedo -4, skeksis -6
Base +7, sigma25 +6, Violer +5, draconian196 +12, lopopa39 +3, yonidark +6
Base +1, rjimenez666 -2, Refyrsen +6, akunoko +28, yonidark +6
Base +6, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Base +7, MelmothTheWanderer +33