#08 of Delta Comics, this one is completely a remake of an 1994 tank with same name (actually the full title of the older edition is オトメちっく学園1 乙女先生の個人授業) published by France Shoin, except the newly drawn delicious cover (so don't get misled by the cover). These works are serialized on Comic Papipo (COMICパピポ, which may arouse your memories of the olden days) as well.
You may noticed that the story is not complete in the end of the book, that is because the original is made in two volumes, the second one called オトメちっく学園2 乙女先生の誘惑授業 is not reprinted by delta comics. Too bad the Delta Comics product line ceased during the time ktc became independent from Micro Magazine and it is unlikely to see a new edition of the second book, this happened to many other Delta Comics work that has multiple volumes.
info on mugi: http://doujinshi.mugimugi.org/book/26395/ (no info of old edition on mugi yet)