Posted on 07 June 2013, 17:41 by:
Zelinko Score
Base +11, CxHxA +8, malchut +7, Hezard +8, aiwotorimodose +21, Apayah +8, Eus +8, riesza -7, Beane +10, NailB -15, Obsucurus +9, Mindflayer88 -19, Riposte +7, and 14 more...
Posted on 07 June 2013, 06:47 by:
Zakuzelo Score
Base +7, DarkDizi +4, Miragu +8, AlexUnknown +1, 20boners +7, c556506 -4, Rouge・ -31, The Inker -8, margalito -3, inkarian21 +6
Base +15, AlexUnknown +1, c556506 -2, 20boners +7, Gikdin +6, Rouge・ -31, The Inker -8, inkarian21 +6
Posted on 08 June 2013, 01:49 by:
Abuelito Score
Base +1, DieHard -9, s0ulkill8r -30, Immortalitis -10, kuroshinko -8, catboyjeremie -11, GhostStalker -8, Stonehound -5, AlexUnknown -6, Bunker Buster -27, Kona-chan -9, uckssake -6, hihohahi -15, and 1 more...
Posted on 08 June 2013, 01:00 by:
mootxico Score
Base +2, s0ulkill8r +30, Flan-chan +5, Miragu +8, hihohahi -15, The Inker -8
Base +4, c556506 +2, 20boners +7, AlexUnknown +6, Kona-chan +9
Posted on 28 April 2014, 04:33 by:
hacklol Score
Base +5, c556506 +4, xnon1 +6