Base +9, deras_bgt +11, mojomunkeez +14, IonicTHI +11, bagiaaa +10, ditama +8, Dikastes +9, Urmean15 +12, Shadowgod62 +4, RedF0x +7, hanime_23 -9, TheProphetian +1, kl2991 +5, and 13 more...
Base +9, Dikastes +9, BartSSJ +10, Tsukimaru +21, Rivfader89 +9, heh...narto +5, CrossD +9, GhostStalker +8
Posted on 07 June 2013, 17:14 by:
Biladsan Score
Base +14, bagiaaa +10, ditama +8, Adrin +9, Ensei Sohryu +10, trueGAS +7, BartSSJ +10, Tsukimaru +21, Rivfader89 +9, Auronio +9, heh...narto +5, as102 +9, Ulthael +5, and 3 more...
Base +9, hanime_23 -9, pkplat -4
Base +8, rekkou +9, RakShine +10, Easy Baby +7, heh...narto +5, Neopheonix0 +5
Base +6, hanime_23 -9, Spiked Toy +8, The Inker -8, Lulzovich +6, Romi the Byzantine -7
Base +16, DattacK +1, cureblack +8, Lens +7
Base +11, Dikastes +9, tcvds +7, hanime_23 -9, Tsukimaru -21, CrossD -9, Lulzovich -6, yukkurikeeper -5
Posted on 07 June 2013, 23:45 by:
kangtuji Score
Base +9, hanime_23 -9, teddy.bear +20, Rivfader89 +9, Flammz -7, Soyungundam +5
Base +8, BartSSJ +10, Rivfader89 +9, heh...narto +5, Neopheonix0 +5, CrossD +9, xamalac34 +6, Luc3at3i5 +7, GhostStalker +8