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[Bluesuedepuma] Action! [In Progress]

Posted:2013-06-08 13:26
File Size:1.94 MiB
Length:10 pages
Favorited:107 times
Average: 4.29

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Posted on 16 April 2013, 16:27 by:   JonahTHD    PM
Score +123
There's no pussy with that dick, so she's a shemale not a futanari.

@wtfuta: yeah except this is hentai, so the characters look only as "male" as the artist wants them to look. So as far as I'm concerned for hentai, if they don't have a pussy with their dick and/or balls, they're shemales, not futanari/hermaphrodites. (unless it's a crazy story where the character in question was a guy but became a female or futa cause Science!!(TM) or magic or some other BS, then I don't know WHAT it is...haha)

@razorkain5: Generally, a Hermaphrodite/Futanari (They are both the exact same word, Futanari is just the Japanese word for Hermaphrodite) is a person born with both genders reproductive organs. Shemales however, are men who give themselves boobs through surgery. (or women who surgically have a penis added on themselves.)

In hentai however, it's basically up to the artist and/or the people viewing the drawings whether the characters a futa or shemale.

@fffh: Hermaphrodite (Hur-maf-ruh-dahyt)
1. an individual in which reproductive organs of both sexes are present.
2. an organism, as an earthworm or plant, having normally both the male and female organs of generation.
(See also; Futanari)


Transsexual (trans-sek-shoo-uhl)
1. a person having a strong desire to assume the physical characteristics and gender role of the opposite sex.
2. a person who has undergone hormone treatment and surgery to attain the physical characteristics of the opposite sex.
(See also; Shemale)


Somehow, I feel I'm more on the correct side than soretu, or you for that matter. So can we drop this BS? It's starting to get real old. Also, what I said and what you said were completely different. Also Also, you've changed the content of you text a bit.

Also before someone else throws a fit, while the "See Also;" bits I put down myself, It's kinda obvious that Shemale and Transsexual mean the same thing, and for those of you that keep saying the "Futanari" is a broader term for "Hermaphrodite/Shemale/Transsexual/etc." it's not, it's really not. Seriously, go to a Romaji-to-English (or vice-versa) translator and translate futanari. It's come out as Hermaphrodite & vice-versa. (Also, for all four of you not in the know [jk], Romaji pretty much are Japanese words spelled out with the English Alphabet.)

@Silenteye: Your welcome, I'm glad someone appreciate's what I'm trying to do. (Which is clearing up the obvious confusion between hermaphrodites/futanari & transsexuals/shemales.)
Posted on 01 April 2013, 17:09 by:   soretu    PM
Score -69
No, a shemale is someone who started out as a man and then got tits. A futanari is someone who has an overall feminine appearance and a dick.
Posted on 01 April 2013, 22:18 by:   kieyzo    PM
Score +39
Hmm not bad i really hope theres more to this.
Posted on 10 April 2013, 00:11 by:   wtfuta    PM
Score -25
Hermaphrodite is a woman with a vagina penis and balls. Futanari however is a broader term even though it means hermaphrodite literally.
Posted on 10 April 2013, 00:02 by:   razorkain5    PM
Score -4
I´ve always wondered, the hermaphrodites are men turned into women and leave them the penis or are women who get a penis?
Posted on 16 April 2013, 00:00 by:   fffh    PM
Score +0
Actually, soretu is correct. The word shemale is a derogatory term for a male sex individual who identifies as female, and is transitioning. The term futanari was originally used to describe people with aspects of both genders, which is not limited to genitalia. However, the respective communities centered around sharing content related to these terms seems to have taken it upon themselves to more rigidly define them, perhaps to facilitate finding content that is more specific to their preferred fetish. They colloquially limited futanari to both genitals present, and shemale to male only genitals. This may make it easier to find what you're looking for, but is not etymologically correct. Even as a colloquial definition, futanari originally included "shemale" content within the hentai genere.

I think it says more about the rigorously defined (or at least how they wish them perceived) sexual preference of the users that leads them to vehemently advocate for the colloquial definition, often as if they determine the definition and not its use and origin. Some do so violently. Suffice to say, all shemale is futanari, and while I can understand the desire to segregate the two, I find it annoying to search two tags for what amounts to the same thing.

Hahaha, you just did exactly what I described and then a bunch of other people agreed with it! I rest my case.
Posted on 15 April 2013, 15:30 by:   Silenteye    PM
Score +18
Finally someone get's it thank you Jonah for making it that much clearer!
Posted on 29 April 2013, 17:48 by:   JamesX    PM
Score +20
Does he have a deviantart or hentaifoundry page?
Posted on 02 June 2013, 00:44 by:   Malrune    PM
Score +8
Suddenly the argument is much more interesting than the porn. Never seen someone get so defensive about how they classify their enjoyment of seeing something with a dick get fucked in the ass.
Posted on 04 June 2013, 22:10 by:   Drbigt    PM
Score +4
The artist has referred to them as transgender and in the search words where this is posted, so this comic is 100% hermaphrodite/futanari free.

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