Base +6, scrappy135 +8, ditama +8, kudo01 +8, crazymagic +9, rt2hot +7, GuroLover12 -7, Shadowgod62 +4, Rakuko +8, xBeowolfx +9, DaRuler +13, Zero Angel +36, SCSS +10, and 9 more...
Base +10, Shadowgod62 +4, liberius +8, Zero Angel +36, Sentiment +6, Padappa +13, observer1980 +21, FO-Bakayarou +8, Ijat7 +6, soul saber +6
Base +30, StillWind +14, vatar17 +9, xBeowolfx +9, hanime_23 +9, scrappy135 +8, Jakk16 +9, Zero Angel +36, Sentiment +6, Factsies +4, SCSS +10, Padappa +13, observer1980 +21, and 9 more...
Posted on 10 June 2013, 06:38 by:
Slobber Score
Base +24, Shadowgod62 +4, liberius +8, scrappy135 +8, Zero Angel +36, SCSS +10, observer1980 +21
Base +13, Zero Angel +36, Kenkimaru +8, HXW +8, observer1980 +21, Trucidation +8, Ijat7 +6, abrickhouse +3, soul saber +6, jeof96 +6
Base +11, observer1980 +21, Ijat7 +6
Posted on 10 June 2013, 17:51 by:
Einnashe Score
Base +9, Jacksons Revenge -8, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, jeren_sky +12, SCSS +10, Padappa +13, observer1980 +21, Trucidation +8, Sentiment +7, KaInEvIL +9, Ijat7 +6, Grunt Arbiter +7, abrickhouse +3, and 1 more...
Base +5, drop it +4, observer1980 +21, Smashproof +6, h8GWbush +6, shsrzrzx -2, soul saber +6