Base +7, Dividedbyzero +12, Zero Angel +36, Kuro Neko +24, Obsucurus +9, theasdewe4ka +7, man333 +21, Gui Cogo +14, heavenlyskyfriday +7, nub1 +7, Zakuzelo +7, blackeagle89 -4, johnnytrone -4, and 26 more...
Base +1, hanime_23 -9, Dividedbyzero +12, blackeagle89 -4, Mr.Pencil -7, Chamma -5, yellow-chan -3, Buraku-chan -11, Boneriffic -15, JointDaArc -7, Hyoros -6, Dooderz +8
Base +8, hanime_23 -9, Dividedbyzero +12, Kuro Neko +24, Obsucurus +9, man333 +21, Gui Cogo +14, nub1 +7, Zakuzelo +7, blackeagle89 -4, johnnytrone -4, Chamma -5, Ez-Burning +8, and 25 more...
Base +7, Obsucurus +9, blackeagle89 -4, Buraku-chan +11, Mr.Pencil +7, RareTracks +15, Chamma +5, Austriacus +9, yellow-chan +3, udizzle +4, Heavenlyr +8, =0w0= +6, xBeowolfx +9, and 13 more...
Posted on 10 June 2013, 17:56 by:
OlgaFrow Score
Base +12, blackeagle89 -4, Buraku-chan +11, Mr.Pencil +7, RareTracks +15, Chamma +5, Austriacus +9, yellow-chan +3, udizzle +4, =0w0= +6, Yossarian762 +7, xBeowolfx +9, Bellmant +4, and 2 more...
Posted on 12 July 2013, 04:40 by:
絶通 原田 Score
Base +10, JointDaArc +6, khiem5 +4, tubo +5, Colonia +3, Wonderfool +6, Hyoros -6, KaTIOWa +6, UnImportant2314 -1, Dooderz -8
Posted on 08 October 2013, 10:04 by:
Atfoolish Score
Base +1, tubo +5, Colonia +3, ROBERTOHEN +6, Hyoros -6, the phantom limb -7, DiedrichVK +6, MelmothTheWanderer +33, Dooderz -8