Posted on 10 June 2013, 22:37 by:
casurin Score
Base +9, wsad69 +8, jenovasilver -8, ThirdEye +8, Zeku +9, wintermute -9, neckbreak +11, Argyle246 -3, BM The Third +1, Oryx -6, random2003 +5, derpington83 -2, Hargo +10, and 4 more...
Posted on 10 June 2013, 23:20 by:
emome Score
Base +10, AsuraZero +6, random2003 +5, derpington83 +2, observer1980 +21, Carbonflight +2
Posted on 10 June 2013, 23:36 by:
antisock Score
Base +7, Giovannihur +3, jenovasilver +8, Powerbracer +9, Kier +10, dlonlyffs +8, Zarasth +9, Owyn +7, bronze +8, Kiranta +8, Jaken Jragin +8, AsuraZero +6, Oryx +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 11 June 2013, 00:11 by:
Malrune Score
Base +8, ThirdEye +8, Bedlam11 +8, wintermute +9, randumb22 +5, badaliens +7, Incest1234 +8, Chained +7, Kier -10, hameon +6, pureyang +23, pigeon66 -7, LeifGram +7, and 33 more...
Base +10, ThirdEye +8, Bedlam11 +8, Forgotten logic +9, randumb22 +5, Troopman +8, neckbreak +11, Incest1234 +8, Chained +7, rocketcochon +7, Kier +10, hameon -6, pureyang +23, and 22 more...
Posted on 11 June 2013, 02:46 by:
ntsmooth Score
Base +8, bwanacumlately +8, Troopman +8, Incest1234 +8, Chained +7, Samael Azrael +6, Kier +10, hameon +6, Suzaku87 +6, Neopheonix0 +5, Kiranta +8, fullereno +8, Jaken Jragin -8, and 8 more...
Posted on 11 June 2013, 03:17 by:
bahki Score
Base +8, xw1as +7, PhillzPillz +6, observer1980 +21, Carbonflight +2
Base +9, neckbreak -11, Oryx -6, Neckbreak86 -3, Harvest13 -4, observer1980 -21, Paw Fingers +5
Base +7, neckbreak +11, Kier +10, pureyang +23, Neopheonix0 +5, Ignis256 -7, userfromhell +2, BM The Third +1, rawrmon +8, Jaken Jragin +8, AsuraZero +6, Oryx +6, knucklesluigi +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 11 June 2013, 09:38 by:
Lucie4 Score
Base +8, Kier -10, GritimoOdd -9, Cemer +7, Hentairo Darkfox +9, neckbreak -9, HonorableShogun -5, justicechi +6, observer1980 +21
Base +10, BM The Third +1, RARmaster +5, neckbreak +9, pureyang +21, ontorfel +7, PhillzPillz +6, Carbonflight +2, CelestialNightmare +7
Base +8, neckbreak +9, knucklesluigi +6, HonorableShogun +5, observer1980 +21, Kiranta +6, Carbonflight +2
Base +3, observer1980 +21, Doom Guy +1, Carbonflight +2
Posted on 06 November 2022, 08:43 by:
Claw111 Score
Base +5