Posted on 21 August 2013, 21:50 by:
SCSS Score
Base +11, Toot Oriole +8, Refon_S +12, Shibun +10, Darworth +5, Anonyslime +10, silf_FFR-41MR +9, Omniusmortus +11, SVDDragunov +6, Zakuzelo +7, ViolaTsuki +7, Master1138 +9, Demoni +10, and 17 more...
Base +9, somethingperson +3, Zelinko +8
Base +5, Darworth +5, Zakuzelo +7, chivo_expiatorio +11, Zelinko +8, Acerola +9, Fofotron +6, jessica702 +10
Posted on 20 June 2013, 04:42 by:
Riposte Score
Base +7, DOIHI +1, Zakuzelo +7, chivo_expiatorio +11, FLUFFISTHEBESTEVERs +5, Zelinko +8, Acerola +9, the observer +6, SilverAlex92 +5, robedob22 +6, djgee2f +7, Fofotron +6