Base +4, coldxblooded +5, Kizul Emeraldfire +9, HannibalBarca +7, emome +10, Tove +9, heretic1311 +8, Yngvi +7, theasdewe4ka +8, RocketZX +10, observer1980 +22, pedoune +7, Wolfan +3, and 14 more...
Base +10, jmd123 +7, ziom236 +7, Kizul Emeraldfire +9, Incest1234 +8, Bloodshed 510 +9, pingas007 +7, Fanart000 +2, NeBuR1997 +7, leq +7, Thirteen20 +8, globus +8, Zedon0007 +8, and 45 more...
Posted on 19 June 2013, 18:27 by:
delman99 Score
Base +8, coldxblooded +5, Kizul Emeraldfire +9, thaluka +8, HannibalBarca +7, Zedon0007 +8, emome +10, Tove +9, atam +8, dragonite21 +9, whatting15 +6, theasdewe4ka +8, ukaxsan +11, and 33 more...
Base +9, ziom236 +7, coldxblooded +5, Kizul Emeraldfire +9, Incest1234 +8, Thirteen20 +8, Zedon0007 +8, emome +10, Cha0sC0ntr0l +8, Tove +9, animefan69 +7, Necronomicron +11, cg3985 +8, and 26 more...
Base +6, SaittaMicus +18, HannibalBarca -7, Moku -10, emome -10, ecko30 +8, Demimond23 -1, Tove -9, animefan69 -7, Evil Scorpio -22, Maf -8, jolls6577 -11, Rorschach2099 -5, and 7 more...
Base +9, NeBuR1997 +7, Moku +10, Zedon0007 +8, emome +10, Krimson King +5, SaittaMicus -18, animefan69 +7, heretic1311 +8, ukaxsan +11, Jaken Jragin +8, RocketZX +10, observer1980 +22, and 24 more...
Posted on 20 June 2013, 02:53 by:
excofail Score
Base +7, Tove -9, Evil Scorpio -22, Maf -8, jolls6577 -11, Rorschach2099 +5, SRK Yun -14, SaittaMicus -18, thaluka -8, Kingkaor -10, pedoune -7, StonedGamer -7, DevilsAdvocate -9, and 3 more...
Base +9, heretic1311 +8, Evil Scorpio +22, observer1980 +22, BigPerv666 +8, blunt005 -8, Bleckerias -5, Maxsteele +7, ravenstag +4, Kyle112 -4, Qwertius +12
Base +9, heretic1311 +8, Evil Scorpio +22, Jaken Jragin -8, SaittaMicus -18, RocketZX +10, observer1980 +22, tracingthelines +9, blunt005 +8, NL94 -3, Bedlam11 +6, Hilarity +5, Maxsteele +7, and 3 more...
Posted on 20 June 2013, 15:09 by:
Malrune Score
Base +8, Evil Scorpio +22, Rorschach2099 +5, harem_coven_ledr312 +6, Jaken Jragin +8, SaittaMicus -18, RocketZX +10, observer1980 +22, tracingthelines +9, blunt005 +8, Shinryu-Rex +2, NL94 -3, Gjsgrs +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 25 June 2013, 22:56 by:
arcesp Score
Base +7, observer1980 +22, pedoune +7, blunt005 -8, NL94 -3, Maxsteele +7, EvilRussian13 +6
Posted on 26 June 2013, 20:23 by:
Ob1Kn00b Score
Base +8, observer1980 +22, blunt005 -8, NL94 +3, Maxsteele +7, Gregorey24 +5, momongasama71 +1
Base +6, Maxsteele +7, ravenstag +4, MetaSnake -6
Base +9, Maxsteele +7, ravenstag +4
Base +6, Maxsteele +7, Powerly_Powa +7, ravenstag +4, ceim +2