Base +4, Red of EHCOVE +39, Zero Angel +36, Ghostface211 +10, Coloris +20, b1324590 +6, Extropia +4, TaggingReader +9, SpellForcer +9, Erranty +13, hacklol +4, skellybelly +8, AloofSloth +9, and 45 more...
Posted on 30 June 2013, 11:28 by:
EdoubleT Score
Base +10, amt +8, SpellForcer +9, Erranty +13, hacklol +4, AloofSloth +9, LegendaryT +10, shinatocool +9, Ejastik +9, Donnachaidh +7, GabrielTDO +8, Fandarel +12, Xakep +15, and 42 more...
Base +9, Zero Angel +36, lupienok +6, hacklol +4, Donnachaidh +7, GabrielTDO +8, Maxsteele +8, Xakep +15, Sherlockian +8, james_stark -3, Desuw +3, TheBrojangles +4, Ildzmer +7, and 1 more...
Base +4, hacklol +4, Maxsteele +8, UnknowDestroyer +6, dom4 +7, james_stark -3
Posted on 30 June 2013, 13:01 by:
unoshot Score
Base +10, Extropia +4, hacklol +4, Ejastik +9, Austriacus +9, GabrielTDO +8, bbnnbbbb +7, Maxsteele +8, UnknowDestroyer +6, lamaig +8, liberius +8, Sherlockian +8, Enki17 +10, and 5 more...
Posted on 30 June 2013, 13:06 by:
cantle Score
Base +11, TaggingReader +9, hacklol +4, AloofSloth +9, LegendaryT +10, Ejastik +9, GabrielTDO +8, Hentai2Go +10, Maxsteele +8, rjmacx +5, Sherlockian +8, ENHfaithful +5, Nemesis2000 +4, and 11 more...
Posted on 30 June 2013, 13:38 by:
yunax12 Score
Base +9, hacklol +4, Ejastik +9, Maxsteele +8, kozmyn +7, rjmacx +5, UnknowDestroyer +6, Enki17 +10, hermit20 +8, james_stark -3, vllx6 +6
Posted on 30 June 2013, 13:59 by:
vrep.niv Score
Base +2, hacklol +4, Maxsteele +8, Hollow_Gaea +7, james_stark -3
Base +1, hacklol +4, Ejastik +9, Maxsteele +8, james_stark -3, a527140149 +5
Posted on 30 June 2013, 14:37 by:
Ventorez Score
Base +8, zukuenft +11, hacklol +4, AloofSloth -9, Ejastik +9, Maxsteele +8, kozmyn +7, rjmacx +5, UnknowDestroyer +6, Sherlockian +8, scrappy135 +8, volkodav +9, Enki17 +10, and 10 more...
Posted on 30 June 2013, 14:59 by:
Naokikun Score
Base +2, hacklol +4, AloofSloth +9, Ejastik +9, joeyklebitz4life -6, Maxsteele +8, UnknowDestroyer +6, gtff +8, liberius +8, Sherlockian +8, Enki17 +10, ENHfaithful +5, hermit20 +8, and 1 more...
Base +9, hacklol +4, rt2hot +7, Ejastik +9, Maxsteele +8, randomname12131412 +7, menoskiller +9, UnknowDestroyer +6, liberius +8, Sherlockian +8, supermegachicken +5, Enki17 +10, ENHfaithful +5, and 3 more...
Base +9, Nemesis2000 -4, ViralVirus84 -8, Maxsteele -8, Ejastik -9, james_stark -3, Void161 -1
Posted on 30 June 2013, 17:56 by:
tidus7 Score
Base +9, Maxsteele +8, james_stark -3
Base +3, Mr. Orange -7, Maxsteele +8, Nemesis2000 +4, james_stark -3, Desuw +3
Posted on 30 June 2013, 18:18 by:
D.A.M Score
Base +4, Maxsteele +8, james_stark -3
Posted on 30 June 2013, 18:33 by:
drakeera Score
Base +6, Austriacus +9, Ejastik +9, Maxsteele +8, UnknowDestroyer +6, Enki17 +10, james_stark -3, Necronomicron -7, a527140149 +5, Void161 +1
Posted on 30 June 2013, 19:00 by:
pihip Score
Base +9, Maxsteele +8, UnknowDestroyer +6, Ejastik +9, Enki17 +10, AsuraZero +6, dom4 +7, james_stark -3, Desuw +3, a527140149 +5, TheBrojangles +4
Base +8, Maxsteele -8, Ejastik -9, hypetrain -7, volkodav +9, megaok +9, Nemesis2000 -4, SwordSentinel -4, dom4 -7, james_stark +3, edson -14
Base +1, Maxsteele +8, rjmacx +5, james_stark -3
Posted on 01 July 2013, 00:10 by:
IRmudkip Score
Base +10, Maxsteele +8, UnknowDestroyer +6, Ejastik +9, hrolfur23 +9, Sherlockian +8, hermit20 +8, AsuraZero +6, james_stark -3
Base +6, Maxsteele +8, rjmacx +5, Ejastik +9, Enki17 +10, HentaiM@ster +10, james_stark -3
Base +11, Maxsteele +8, UnknowDestroyer +6, Ejastik +9, Enki17 +10, james_stark -3
Base +8, Maxsteele +8, james_stark -3
Base +18, Doppelganger +10, james_stark -3, TheBrojangles +4
Posted on 01 July 2013, 09:26 by:
ZhaneX Score
Base +9, amuass +8, AsuraZero +6, dom4 +7, james_stark -3
Posted on 01 July 2013, 21:32 by:
TB26 Score
Base +9, james_stark -3
Base +9, Hollow_Gaea +7, james_stark -3
Posted on 07 July 2013, 00:04 by:
ZDaichi Score
Base +5, SwordSentinel -4, james_stark -3
Posted on 16 February 2014, 14:42 by:
Nataniel Score
Base +6, james_stark -3
Posted on 17 December 2014, 04:34 by:
b1ge11 Score
Base +1
Posted on 22 May 2015, 03:44 by:
Raj8 Score
Base +5
Posted on 26 October 2015, 01:58 by:
ranwolf Score
Base +7, edson -14