You're the one that drew that wyrm comic from before, right? Right.
It's pretty clear your skills have improved even if it's by a little, and I see something vaguely remniscent of Fred Perry's work (more curves being one of the main differences along with the skill, no offence).
I'll say it again, keep improving yourself (do all those exercise sketches or whatever professional artists do) and you'll be able to draw as well as one of the high-class artists out there. I would like to see that.
Base +14, TheTamer +5, Kenyenzie +8, Necronomicron +11, SapphireJack +4
If I may say one thing? I loved the comic, it was definitely a fun read but that said, you should work on your handwriting. It's not terrible but it needs work, comics that are hard to read usually suffer like that one artist (can't remember the name, but they're known). He (she?) has terrible handwriting and it makes the comics almost illegible which can be a huge turn off
i seeing it all the works of this one and even help a bit in the develop , even there is a plan of redone it this one AGAIN since he jump really much in style this days